Friday, February 10, 2006

Saw Whales!!!

Today we took a catamaran out to Mesmaloya, a small fishing village about an hour down the coast. We stopped to do some snorkling and after the crew threw some bread crumbs into the water, the tropical fish were everywhere. However, the highlight of the day, absolutely, was seeing whales.

We saw one whale on the way down and the captain slowed the boat so that we could watch it. They are humpbacks that come down to this bay each year to calve and fatten up before heading back to Alaska. However, the biggest event occurred on the way home. As we were pulling out of the village, the captain saw a whale blow (it can be seen for miles) and headed over closer. As we approached, it leaped out of the water and you could hear the BANG when it landed. Much to our delight, it continued to breach over and over. The crew all ran for cameras as they said they had never seen a whale do that so many times. I'm betting it leaped at least 10-12 times and would then roll on it's side and wave it's fluke in the air. I only had my small camera with me for convenience but got a few good pictures but it certainly made our day. What a sight!

Claire and I sat on the beach in the village while the men hiked to a waterfall. Doug said he got some good photos of the local habitants so I look forward to getting their CD with photos. The crew of the ship was tremendous and entertained us...and I mean entertained us...all the way down and back. They were lots of fun and when we left we all agreed that for what we paid, we got one heck of a fabulous day! It was a bit cloudy over the island and once the sun goes in here, it's a bit chilly. That's a laught...chilly at 70 degrees! It may have more to do with the fact that we all have tans..some more than others.

Hard to believe tomorrow is our last day. So far we decided that we will spend some time on the beach and then head downtown to buy a few last minute things we've put off buying. Leather shoes here are very cheap and of course, that's where I'm headed. Hate to say goodbye but it just makes coming back all the more attractive.


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