Thursday, February 16, 2006

Outside, yet ANOTHER snow storm (followed by yet more freezing rain) is raging and after spending 10 spectacular days in Mexico, it's harder than normal to take! I'm frozen all the time and find myself hunkering in front of the fireplace to keep warm. I've played the video of the beach and waves 10 times today--just to take me to 'another place' for a while.

However, it won't be long until Spring arrives--Feb is half over--and this year we will focus on the garden and pool deck. Wayne worked so hard on renovating the house all last summer that there wasn't much time to devote to landscaping. I tried to keep one corner of the garden nice so that I'd have a place to 'escape' when the mess of replacing siding and insulation got to be too much but I don't think my heart was really in it. I know that I need to move, remove, or divide a lot of plants this year, which requires more muscle that I have, ergo I need man-muscle..aka Wayne! The pool deck needs to be replaced as well. Most of it is the original deck from 15 years ago so it's time. I've got big plans but it will depend on man-willingness to help.

About this time of year, I find myself pulling gardening books off the shelf or drifting to the gardening section in Chapters. This is always a sure sign that the winter blahs are passing and there is a definite possibility that Spring will arrive.


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