Sunday, April 02, 2006

Start of a New Family

The phone rang this morning and it was son Colin's special lady, Jennifer, calling from Cuba where they are spending a week on holiday. Her first words were, "Hi Mom", which means that she got her beautiful diamond engagement ring!

He was so nervous before he left...he wanted to do everything right to make it special and from Jen's reaction, he managed it just fine. She was so excited, and very happy. He got on the phone and sounded just the same. It's hard to believe my 'baby' is going to settle down but he waited to find the right girl and he certainly accomplished that. Jen is a sweet girl and exactly the right match for him, in every way. She's intelligent, has a terrific sense of humour, and loves him so much and that last fact is all I ever wanted for him.

My boys have all chosen strong, intelligent, independent women who love them beyond reason and are wonderful partners. I'm so proud of each of the girls and while they are each very different, they are all fabulous women. In turn, the girls have each gotten men who are loyal, honest and who will always be the most wonderful husbands and fathers. They got those traits from their own father who was a great role model for them.

I expect Colin & Jen will marry next year so we already have something to look forward to.


At 9:26 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thankyou for the kind words Moma. I have been really poor at keeping in contact with everyone, a fault that I have developed from staying in a consistant routine. So I asked a phone talker to be my wife to help me be more considerate of my family, I am looking forward to Easter and seeing my Nephew again.

At 8:00 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congratulations to Mom and Dad. May I also add that along with their father's traits, Mom set some examples of what to look for in a woman and a bit of what not to look for.

At 1:32 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Carmel said ..

More beautiful grandchildren Lynne! I am truly blessed that I get to share your extended family with you.


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