Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Flying thru the Trees

We went on the canopy tour yesterday...that means you are tethered by harness to a wire up to 250 metres above the ground and go sailing through the trees tops. It was simply exhilerating and after 14 runs of up to 1/3 mile, I was ready to sign up to do it all over again. The whole process was extremely well orchastrated by guides who were on every platform to catch you, unhook your tether from one wire, and rehook you to the next. There was a beautiful restaurant and we spent another hour just sitting in the shade watching the next tour fly back and forth thru the trees and across the river.

Oh yes, we saw some wildlife but most of it behind cages in the restaurant. You could have your photo taken with a terantula crawling across your face...NOT...or another photo of a huge python wrapped around you...YES...when would I get the chance to do that again? He wasn´t at all slimey but had a real musty smell. I was ready to put my bathing suit on a go down the water slide but then I saw this pet deer they had step into the stream and have two big poops which floated down to the bathing area...decided to forego the swimming!

We went to a wonderful restaurant last night..Pipi"s...people were lined up down both sides of the street to get in and the food was the reason why as well as the mega party atmosphere. The boys had over indulged a bit at happy hour so it was an early night. Tomorrow we are going on a catameran to a secluded beach and do some snorkling & kyaking.

What a wonderful place when you know every night when you go to bed that the weather the next morning is going to be spectacular. We have the address for a place in Puerto Escondito that has apartments for $500 a month..2 bedroom with private we are anxious to get home and on the internet and check it out. Greece may have to wait for another year as I´d certainly be willing to do 3 mos there vice 3 weeks in Greece this year. We´ll see. Tomorrow we are going to the bull fight, not sure how successful that will be but if we really hate it, we can leave.

That's all for now. Today is shopping day and there are cheap, cheap, leather shoes and lots of silver to be had.


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