Sunday, January 27, 2013

PV - Sat, 26 Jan 2013

Enrica..aka 'Muffin Man'. Always 4 different flavours..he's been walking the beach for years.

Waves were ginormous today (this is a small one). One wave pulled one of those big boulders down.

I realized today that we have been here 12 days and other than a few trips to the grocery store and hair cut, we have not been off the resort grounds! We don't seem to have any problem spending most of our days by the pool, looking out at the water and just generally chilling.

Tomorrow we'll go down to Freddy Toucan's for breakfast and then wander around a bit. On Sunday the band plays in the town square and all the older people dress up in the finery for church and then come over to the square to socialize and dance. I love to watch them..they are all ages and some of them can really move. It gets pretty crowded and a few of the tourists join in to dance with them...a great way to spend part of a Sunday. It's also the day that families get dressed up and walk the Malacon...the little girls wear big, frilly dresses and lots of ribbons in their cute.

We were at the pool before 9 am today and nobody else was around. I expect it will be a bit busier in February but it sure isn't crowded right now. The resort is quite big and with 7 pools there is always room to find a quiet spot to spend the day reading, swimming, and people watching.

When we first started coming here, seeing the whales in the bay was so thrilling...we just couldn't believe it was possible to stand on the shore and see one. It's still a major thrill but after a 5 visits here, we now expect to see them and we are never disappointed. If we ever wonder where one might be a any time, we just look to see where 3 or 4 boats have congregated and there it is! I was watching the area through the binoculars today and a whale came up out of the water, breeching half of it's body. We'll go on a whale watching tour once Gail and Graham get here.

There was a full moon last night and the tide was mega high..came right up the beach to the sea wall. There are two large man-made water breaks at each end of our beach and the waves were smashing against them and coming up over top. Swimming in the ocean (at our beach) is not for the faint of heart. Unless the water is extremely calm, the undertow is extreme and I wouldn't even attempt to try it. We will sometimes walk down 2 or 3 resorts along the beach and swim there but I'm quite happy with our pools.

That was our day. It was warm and most of them are here. Hope everyone is surviving the cold at home. Until next time, love and hugs to all. xx


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