Friday, January 25, 2013

PV - Friday, 25 Jan 2013

I have a new love in my life His name is Francisco, he's dark and mysterious, and he can make a pair of scissors do magical things!!

I couldn't stand the sight of myself one minute longer so headed over to the shopping centre Fri morning to get cut about 1/2 " off the friz on top of my head. I've been blessed with my Mother's full-bodied, thick hair and I give thanks every day for it but as soon as it gets just that wee bit too long, it stops doing what I want it to do and does what it wants to do!

There are about 6 hair salons in the shopping centre and they range from modern and gorgeous to hole-in-the-wall disgusting. I was in the mall before 10 am so had to wander and it gave me a chance to decide which one I'd try. What I forgot was that the 10 am opening time is just a 'suggestion'. In Mexico it could depend on whether the owners had a previous late night, upset stomach, or just needed a sleep-in. By 10:30, only one salon was open...a mid-range looking business...and I decided  to try it. Wayne always says "There only a 4-day difference between a bad haircut and a good haircut" (God Danny, I'm sorry I actually wrote that) and I went in.

I could drag this out with everything he did, said, didn't do, etc. but the end result is what counts and his card is now in my Puerto Vallarta file for future reference. What floored me was that the bill came to 140 pesos (about $12.00). Seriously? I'm so used to shelling in 3x that for a trim at home that I gave him a very nice tip...he'll remember me when I go back in a few weeks!

Last night was 'rib' night at the restaurant and it's very popular with the guests here. Fortunately, we went right at 6 pm and by the time we left, the place was full and there was a line-up. Note to self: next week share an order! We are having leftover ribs for supper, are they delicious.

Wayne is off to the gym this morning and once he gets back it will be time to haul some laundry over to the shopping centre where a nice lady does it and you pay by the pound. It's very convenient and we usually take the time to so a bit of grocery shopping so kill 2 birds with one stone. He bought a cheaper version of a shopping bag on wheels which makes the trips back and forth with stuff so much more manageable.

We are going to see the rental agents at Los Tules and Royal (we are with Ambassador Suites) and have a look at what's available to rent through them and the rental costs for a 1 or 2 bdrm unit. The Mexican owners rent through them and some of the units are beautiful.

There's a big 'North American' party at the restaurant on Tues night. It's like a condo unit in Florida many people have been coming for years that they all know one another. Unlike a lot of other places, the 'regulars' are very anxious to know new people and in the time we've been here we've met some lovely people. Yes, I could become a regular here but there are so many other places I want to see that I think I'll be happy doing PV every 3 or 4 years.


At 11:44 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very nice Mrs. C. Me thinks Danny boy has competition now! Did you get a head massage from Francisco?

Enjoying your blog.
Mrs. B.

At 6:37 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Love it. So much for Danny's campaign to let your hair grow longer. I like the short version. Carol

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