Monday, April 06, 2009

Day 98-Mon, 6 Apr 09-Daytona Beach

Photos: (Bottom) Sunrise this morning and a long surf fisherman. (Top) Noon during the approaching thunderstorm. The lifeguard blew his whistle to get everyone out of the water and the rain came down!

It was a crazy day--weatherwise. We woke up to 'almost' sun, then hard, pounding rain, then sun, then whipping wind & sand, then sun again. I was either on the balconey or watching television for most of it. A group of kids spent most of the day building a big sand fort by the water but the tide washed it away pretty quickly. There has been unusually high tides here for the last couple of days but I notice that it's approaching a full moon so perhaps that's the reason.

After dark the other night, we were sitting on the balconey listening to the music from the patio DJ and I happened to look to our left and saw a rocket that had been launched from Cape Kennedy. It was a large glowing ball--it's the rocket booster I guess--and then the DJ announced that everyone should look back over the pier to see it as well. We watched for about 5 minutes before it eventually went up in to cloud cover. The last time we were here, a rocket was launched while we were doing a tour of Cape Kennedy and the whole bus shook. It happens frequently here which makes me wonder just how much 'space junk' is up there!

I've discovered another sure sign of 'maturity'. I bought a new t-shirt the other day and put it on this morning after removing the price tag. What I forgot to remove...after wearing the darn thing all day, was that long, sticky strip and has the size on it! It's not the first time, which makes it all the worse.

I found a great website today. There's a wildlife group in BC that has put live webcams on three different Bald Eagle nests. The birds have all layed eggs, which they caluculate should be hatching any moment/day. The site is: It's neat to watch and listening to what is happening and the clarity of the web feed is amazing. Check it out!

Not much else happening here. We head home on the 13th and figure it will be a 4-5 day drive to Tim and Kim's. We'll probably stop in to see Corky & Debbie as well as Scott and Brenda and see how winter has treated them. Until next time, love and hugs to all. xx


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