Friday, April 03, 2009

Day 95-Fri, 3 Apr 09-Daytona Beach, FL

Another busy, lazy, sun-soaking day in Daytona.
Wayne actually slept until 7:45 am, a nice change for him, and we were out the door to the flea market by 9:30. We had been there years ago and I was awed by the size of it. If anything, it's grown and even though there are duplicate and triplicate booths, all selling the same stuff, I can't think of anything you'd ever want that wasn't available. It's about 4 miles of booths and laid out in grids--A2,B3,C3, etc. We lasted about 2 hours--the sun had come out and it was getting hot and crowded, so we left.
It was really overcast this morning and had sputtered rain a bit on the way there. However, as most often happens along the ocean coastline, the clouds parted and a very hot sun emerged, complete with that wonderful breeze.
We headed for the beach which soon started to get crowded. There seems to be 2 or 3 areas (that we can see from our hotel) along the beach which is the most popular, and the front of our hotel is one. Perhaps the lone lifeguard has something to do with it although the beach patrol has a couple of vehicles that also patrol the shore.
It only took a short time before the water started to look appealing and we both headed out in to the waves. The water was warmer than the pool and it was wonderful. We ended up going back in a few times to cool off, or just have fun trying to jump over or stay standing in the huge waves. Tomorrow is supposed to be sunny and warm again and I seem to remember boogie boards in the grocery store for $5 so we may have to invest in a couple for the remainder of our trip.
I love watching the kids sliding through the water on very thin boards along the shoreline. Just as the waves is lapping the shore, the kids toss the board so that it's sliding through the water. It only goes a few feet before they jump on it and 'surf' along the shore, sometimes doing some impressive twists and twirls.
Tomorrow there's a big crawdaddy party downtown. The paper said some guy is bringing in thousands of pounds of crawfish from Louisianna and there will be a block party. We've had our big feed already and I expect we'll be like the rest of the old folks here...we'll leave the hot sun, cold beer, and crawfish to the teenagers.
Today is Cousin Sandy's 60th birthday and she's celebrating again in Barbados....Happy Birthday 'Tony'. Until next time, love and hugs to all. xx


At 4:17 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mrs. C,

It's time to include the eyebrows in Danny's dye routine. I have not seen him since Jan. and he must be severely depressed by his bank account balance!! You two look gorgeous on that beach - how old did you say you were?! Luv,
Mrs. B.


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