Thursday, April 02, 2009

Day 94-Thurs, 2 Apr 09-Daytona Beach, FL

Despite a cloudy day yesterday, and warnings of a tornado just west of here last night, today was a beautiful sunny day and we made the most of it. By 9 am, I was sitting on the balcony in my bathing suit with my coffee. It doesn't get much better than that!
We get the morning sun on the balcony, which is nice and if we want to really heat it up, we go down to the beach in the afternoon. I actually got up to my thighs in the ocean today and was quite surprised at how warm-ish it was. Wayne went in swimming twice and if it's as hot and sunny as forecasted for the weekend, I expect I'll be in for sure. I tend to be quite happy wandering the beach as there is always a breeze so it doesn't feel hot. However, you have to be very careful as you can get a real burn if you're not careful. The beach was quite busy with families today so I guess it's another spring break somewhere. It clouded over early in the afternoon and I came in for a nap. When I got up the sun had come back out but not all the people.
We put the van in yesterday to have the oil changed and on the way back we stopped downtown to check out the pier. It's obvious we haven't been here for a long time as I was shocked to see they charge $1.50 just to walk out to the end. Don't need to see it that bad! We went to 'Hog Heaven' for supper and had the best pork ribs I EVER had in my life and I see a return trip for more before we leave Daytona Beach.
Wayne met a fellow surf fishing on his morning walk. Turns out the guy is from Orleans....small world...and has been coming here for 13 years. He's in a condo just down the road and said it's quite nice...1 bdrm for $1200 a month. We are going over tomorrow to have a look at what's available in that bldg as well as a couple of others while we are here. We'd like a 2 bdrm as I can see the Ty-man out on that beach..he could run and play and have so much fun. We'd love to be able to have the kids come down to visit while we were here...or where-ever.
Tomorrow is flea market day. Nope, can't think of a thing we need but as I'm always telling Wayne, looking is half the fun. We'll go early in the morning in case the weather is better than forecasted, which is most often the case.
Carol sent a picture of grandson Sawyer's first haircut on his 1st Birthday. I laughed when I saw it because it was so cute. It doesn't seem like a year ago that we were anxiously waiting for an e-mail to find out when Melanie had the baby! Too fast, too fast, too in time passes!
Sounds like Spring is slowly arriving at home. Al & Sue are heading to the cottage for the weekend and Carol & Bob are raking outside. We have lots to look forward to and will be anxious to sleep in our own beds.
Until next time, love and hugs to all. xx


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