Saturday, April 04, 2009

Day 96-4 Apr 09-Daytona Beach, FL

What an extraordinarily beautiful day! Warm sun, slight breeze and warm ocean was the order of the day. I was on the balcony by 8:30 am and came in at 3 pm. I just hated to leave the big waves and the warm water but enough was enough. We'll both sleep well tonight!

I was sitting outside this morning with my cuppa and thinking about Mom & Dad and how much they loved Daytona Beach. They used to come here before Dad had his stroke and they travelled around the area, missing very little. Mom loved the ocean and although Dad couldn't manage the waves because of his leg, he really enjoyed swimming in the pool. They would come home, both brown as anything, and talk about their next trip here. Whenever I see a lone woman on the beach, especially with silver blonde hair, I automatically think of Mom. I was just getting up to come in and make more coffee, when all these huge, beautiful soap bubbles started to float past me. Obviously someone above us was making them but it was a nice feeling to see them float past right at that time.

We sat on the patio for the better part of the day as there are tables with big umbrellas. I can sit in the sun for a while but I need shade occasionally and this fit the bill. They have a DJ here from 12 noon to 12 midnight on Fri and Sat so we listened to the music, ate lunch and just watched people. There is a couple here with twin girls, about 12-14 mos old, and they are adorable! They each wear big floppy hats and dance when the waves come in around their feet. So cute! Of course there's the usual older women in skimpy bikinis and guys with floppy bellies but they are all enjoying themselves.

We put a pizza in the oven tonight and it was a real treat after not having an oven for so long. It's funny how you really notice the small things when you're used to travelling in a van. We don't lack for much but every once in a while I think about the things I take for grantide at home.

I'm convinced salt water enhances eyebrows have disappeared (they are white) and the rest of me is brown. Wayne's tan is spectacular but he's out walking the beach every day and doesn't seem to burn like I can. All in all, I think we look healthy. My back is a bit tight as I haven't been in the pool as much as I'd hoped but a few more days of skipping waves should either ease the tension or put me down...I think the former! Wayne's throat infection is done and he's on the last couple of pills. We're very thankful that we have so little health issues to deal with and plan to take advantage of that while we can.

Take care everyone. Kisses and hugs to my 6 kids, my Ty-man, and lots left over for everyone else. Until next time, we love you. xx


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