Friday, January 09, 2009

Day 11-Friday, 9 Jan 09-San Antonio Texas

Photo: My friend Dianne Joudrey from Winnipeg opening her special bottle of champage she received last year for her retirement.
This is our last day in San Antonio…we head out in the morning for South Padre Island. Wil & Dianne had decided they would like to see it as well so we’ve both reserved a 2-night stay there and then they will head for Florida and we’ll head West I think, or perhaps go down to the Brownsville area.
It was a bit cloudy when we woke up…it had spattered rain through the night…but by mid morning it started to feel a bit muggy and then the sun came out. It was warm and wonderful and I did get a tiny bit of red on my face but it felt terrific. By 1 pm I felt a nap coming on and gave in to it for a couple of hours.
Wayne and I always have a bit of a transition when we start to travel. At home, he can get up through the night or very early in the morning and I never hear him. In this wee van, there’s not much he can do that doesn’t wake me up, even momentarily, and I find after week or so in the van, I tend to be a bit more tired than when we’re at home. However, a nap here and there takes care of it all and I just try to get to bed a bit earlier. Once the MP3 headphones are plugged in, he can lay in bed and watch TV and I’m out like a light.
Dianne had brought the beautiful bottle of champagne she’d been given when she retired and she decided this trip, and with us, was the appropriate time to pop it. It’s a gorgeous presentation bottle with a silver medallion and silver bottom ring and comes it a nice case which can also be engraved. Anyway, it tasted as good as it looked and we got to make a toast to all of our retirements as well as to special friendships.
There are two huge 5th wheelers next to us…it's 42.6 ft long (the kind that have a ‘play room’ for motorcycles or ATVs in the back) and the couples who own them are from Oklahoma. They women are retired school teachers and they are as nice and as much fun as anyone we’ve met traveling. The women came over to show us the mink stoles they’d bought at an antique flea market…Margueritas in hand…and we had lots of laughs. We all ended up at the ‘Chuckwagon’ for catfish and chicken fried steak.
There is a bit of a cold front moving in for a few days so it may only get to mid-60s or 70 degrees in S.Padre Island but that’s A-OK by me. As strange as it sounds, I think a gentle transition from minus temperatures to the heat is probably better for this old body banyway.
I love San Antonio and we’ll certainly come back again, if for nothing else than to look around the outskirts and investigate some of the smaller towns in the area. This isn’t the place we want to stay for any extended time though and it’s no hardship to move on.
Hope the snow isn’t holding anyone down or in. I can tell you that as much as we miss everyone, we don’t give much thought to the weather at home and in fact, I have to remind myself to log on to the webstream to get the Ottawa news occasionally.
Until next time, love and hugs to all. xx


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