Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Day 9-Wednesday, 7 Jan 09 - San Antonio, Tx

Photo: Part of the River Walk

Oh, it was so nice to wake up to sun! We slept until 8 am and then opened all the curtains and let the sun shine in. It was a bit cool overnight, which suited me fine under the comforter, and we took our time getting dressed and just enjoyed the fact that there was no more rain.

We'd already decided to take the bus downtown with Wil & Dianna and wander the River Walk and have some lunch. Dianne had not been here before so a stroll around the Alamo was a 'must'. I still love seeing it and whether it's I forget what I've seen before, or just didn't notice it the previous time, I always see something else so it's never a wasted trip. We agreed that the Americans do 'shrines' so well and certainly, the Alamo is a good example of that.

After a wonderful lunch on the River Walk, we wandered for a bit longer and then headed back to the KOA. We had lots of good laughs....while waiting for the bus I talked Dianne in to looking at this big display set up by Monsanto on some of the work they are doing to genetically modify corn, soya, & cotton seeds. Well, we got kind of interested in the whole thing, forgetting that the men were waiting at the bus stop for us. By the time we excused outselves from the tour..which, by the way, was very interesting..two busses that we needed has passed by and another wasn't due for a half hour. The guys were good natured about the whole thing and although Dianne & I tried to impress them with all our new-found knowledge, they weren't having any of it.

Happy hour lasted a tad longer than we happy hour tends to do...until the night chill drove us inside. this and weep...tomorrow we are going to the Outlet Mall at San Marcos...RATED THE 3RD BEST IN THE WORLD!!! It's only the end of week one in the LuvMasheen so I suspect that if we do buy anything, it will have to be packed up and mailed home..we'll see.

We will be here until Saturday and then heading for South Padre or Brownsville where the heat seems to be. I'd like to be able to set up near the beach and just spend a week listening to waves and perhaps getting a start on a tan.

Until next time, love and hugs to all. xx


At 10:48 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

What a beautiful photo! I can feel the sunshine...and am living vicariously. :)

Big hugs, Kate


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