Saturday, January 03, 2009

Day 5 - 3 Jan 09 - Mobile, Alabama to Boloxi, Mississippi

We woke to cloudy skies but balmy temperatures and after have the“East or West?” conversation, we decided to head (SouthWest) for the Gulf Shores of Mississippi. The clouds never lifted although the sun did make a few brief appearances.
By noon we were back on familiar territory. Last year I said that this area was flattened by Hurricane Katrina and there was a lot of rebuilding going on (the high water mark one street up from the beach was 34 ft). The rebuilding is continuing and the homes that are going up along the new highway, directly across from the beach, are unbelievable! Most of them are being built ‘plantation style’ and I swear to God, they must be 3500 sq ft plus. I will take and post some photos on our way out of the area. I guess people have short memories.
There are many, many vacant lots, foundations still there that are for sale, and were for sale last year as well. I had expected to see new buildings or homes going up but there aren’t. However, the casinos are booming and adding new extensions and they are right on the beach so they obviously aren’t worried about any other hurricanes in the near future.
The skies opened up while we were driving down the strip and I commented to Wayne that we hadn’t had the radio on all day—perhaps Katrina II was on it’s way. You could hardly see and it just pounded down for quite a while. We were undecided about where to go next but while we were in getting groceries, the rain stopped and we had time to find an RV park.
We are in the Majestic Oaks RV Resort and it’s quite nice. We are a tad dwarfed by some of the rigs here but that’s not unusual. Years ago we had a 16 ft day sailor (sailboat) and kept it at the marina in Barrie. When we would take the boat out, we had to motor through the marina canals to the Kempenfelt Bay, past these 2 & 3 story yachts, and sort of felt like the ‘little brother’….same thing in some of these parks. However, we don’t lack for any of the amenities and we were sitting snug inside with a rum & coke, watching TV within a half hour.
We’ve decided to stay here a couple of nights—and may stay longer if the weather improves—we are both ready to laze around instead of looking at maps. If it rains, we’ll nap, read, watch movies, and browse the internet. Doesn’t seem too bad a way to relax to me.
I expect we’ll head for Texas after this but the weather will dictate the destination. Until next time, hugs and kisses for all.


At 5:11 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

For those who enjoy making spread sheets will appreciate that by the end of the trip I will have accumulated 3600 cells of information. The total cost to date with Motels and meals is scary and I don't imagine Lynne wants to know. However, our daily costs will decrease now that we are travelling a lesser distance each day and eating in. I am pleased to find I am getting between 18 and 19 MPG Cdn and 15 to 16 mpg per US gal. Not bag for a big V 8 and heavy vehicle.

For you metric younger folk and teachers what is that in L/100 KM?
My last gas up was 102 L and we drove 672 km. You get ** for the correct answer. By the way the price of gas in US is $0.49 to $0.53 a Litre.


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