Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Day 2, 31 Dec 08, Wilkes-Barre, Penn to Roanoke, Virginia

Happy New Year gang! The past year was a great one for us and we are thankful for every minute of it. I can hardly think about my husband, sons, daughters (not in-law, just daughters), Ty, my wonderful cousins and their families, my friends and not wonder how I got so lucky. I don't expect 2009 is going to be any different--but then I've always had high expectations and can't tolerate disappointment. It works for me!
We had a good nights sleep and were on the road by 9 am. The snow was just starting but not enough to be much of a problem. The wind--gusts at 60 mph meant both hands on the wheel and having to pay lots of attention to those 18-wheelers pulling up beside the LuvMasheen. We only spent a couple of hours in Pennsylvania--remember how everyone who got married in the 1960s wanted to honeymoon in the Pocono Mtns and have a bath in one of those heart-shaped bathtubs?
I'm still surprised at the huge billboards along the Interstates that advertise "Instant Massages--No Waiting". I'm not dumb but really thought these might be legitimate--after all, there are also big billboards for Doctors, Hospitals, Emergency Services, and everything else. However, I managed to see one with my glasses on and saw a smaller block in the corner that said "Big Rig Parking available". I don't think they are looking for people like me to stop in for a massage.
We are passing up the opportunity to attend the local New Year's Eve Baloney Toss (honest-to-God) and call me crazy, but I bet that's a happening event. I expect we'll be long asleep before midnight rolls around but we've had our share of parties and the accompanying hangovers during the years and I just don't think we're missing much.
It's still cold but no snow so we're up early and heading for Chattooga, Tennesee. Apparently, there is an old train station is now a hotel...haven't experienced that before and it's another checkmark on the list of things to do in this lifetime. Until tomorrow, love & hugs to all.


At 5:17 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

As we head out in the morn, the music playing on the GPS will be...Pardon me, boy
Is that the Chattanooga choo choo?
Track twenty-nine
Boy, you can gimme a shine
I can afford
To board a Chattanooga choo choo
I've got my fare
And just a trifle to spare

At 10:22 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy New Year. It is a sunny but cold day here. Had fun at the Portugese Club. They had their usual 10 course meal and a great 7 pc. band that played music from our era. Trek on!


At 4:59 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I look forward to your updates. After reading your first two, I realize how much I miss you guys. Loved the video of Ty - He's gorgeous. Love Justyne


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