Thursday, January 08, 2009

Day 10-Thursday, 8 Jan 09- San Antonio, Texas

The sun…the heat…the light breeze…the outlet mall! It’s a very warm day in San Antonio and if it hadn’t been for the fact Wil had promised Dianne for 2 years that he’s let her loose in an outlet mall, we probably would have had a day around the heated pool with drinks. However, not to be one to let an opportunity pass, Dianne (and I) elected to have them drive us shopping and wait around for us until we were finished. We are too good to them.
The San Marcos mall was fabulous….if you normally shop Gucci, Armani, Coach, Neiman Marcus, etc., the bargains were terrific! I picked up a cute pair of Prada sandals…the kind with no heel, no straps, no nothing and I thought…”When will I ever have a chance to own a pair of Prada sandals…I’ll get them anyway”. They were originally $540 marked down to the ridiculously low price of $249. I put them back. I may decide to re-invent my leather pants, write ‘Prada’ on the soles and impress myself.
As luck would have it, there was another outlet mall across the street and although the guys had just about had the biscuit, let us loose again. We scored and scored again. It was one of those 50% off everything and add another 30% discount. Remembering that we are just starting Week 2 of a long holiday, I resisted and didn’t buy too much. I’d better wear it soon though because the store windows reflected a woman with two rolls across her stomach (me) although I was sure I had walked off a few pounds. By the time we were ready to call it a day, the men had separated and were looking for us and had passed the word to everyone they met that they were looking for us. They were good sports but had had enough shopping on a warm beautiful day. Fortunately, Dianne and I were ready to call it quits as well.
We all commented on how wonderful it is having GPS. It takes all of the frustration and guess-work out of driving anywhere and it is a real marriage saver. Gone are the days when you are trying to read maps and road signs at the same time and still getting lost. The funny thing is that even the outlet malls are on the GPS…the programmer must have been a woman!!
Happy hour was VERY happy…we stopped and bought fixings for Pina Coladas and Bloody Caesars and the picnic table resembled a bar for a while. We decided to be sensible though and at least get to the part of the day when we ate an actual supper vice cheese and crackers.
Tomorrow is ‘pool day’ and the plan is to sit and relax, swim, read, get some sun and prepare for departure on Saturday morning. I’ve got a rather large laundry to do but figure I do that from the pool, so all is not lost. Another great day.
Until next time, love and hugs to all. xx


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