Thursday, January 01, 2009

Day 3 - 1 Jan 09 - Roanoke, Virginia to Chattanooga, Tenn

Photo: Chattanooga Train Station

It was a gorgeous day--temperatures climbed to around 48 degrees and the sun shone the whole time. When we left Roanoke this morning, I was amazed to see buds on the trees outside the restaurant. Wayne turned Gertie on and it blasted out "Chattanooga Choo Choo"--now I know why he was so tied to the computer before we left.
We are travelling the Interstates for 3 or 4 days so not much to see but I know that last year I'd remarked that I wanted to come back through Virginia when the weather was nicer...same thing for this year. I'm recognizing a few places that I'd tagged as 'photo ops' and it would be nice to travel throug some of the back roads that go through the Smokey and Appalachian Mountains. It would be amazing in the fall.
There weren't many cars on the road so we made good time and pulled in to Chattanooga before 4 pm. We had by-passed the city last year but Wayne checked the website before we left and found out that the original Chattanooga railway station--that really did have the Chattanooga Choo Choo--had been restored by local citizens and subsequently bought by the Holiday Inn chain. It is gorgeous! Most of the original railway cars are still here and they have turned the areas where the platforms were in to beautiful gardens. Inside there are many of the original fixtures as well as an amazing (and huge) model railway display that was done and is maintained by the local model railway club. They have even motorized a Thomas the Train engine, which is really popular with all the kids.
We opted to get a 'coach room' which is one of the original cars that has been converted to a room. It's awesome! I took a video, unfortunately it's too large for the blog but may go on Facebook. It's really lovely and about the only thing that has been removed are the seats and it's decorated in Victorian style. We figured we would stay in a regular room anytime but how many chances will be have to stay in the Chattanooga Choo Choo?
I expect that by tomorrow we will be able to start shedding some of the winter clothes. The sun was really warm today and it was nice to drive without the heater going full blast. There is a shuttle from the hotel that goes downtown so we've decided to explore a bit and we both feel our 'holiday' has officially started now that there is no snow in sight.
Hopefully I will have some better photos to post tomorrow. Till then, hugs and kisses to all. xx


At 6:04 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bob stayed in one of the cars also. He remembered gas lights outside the cars and park benches.
He had a liqueur and a cigar on one of the benches before retiring into the Victorian suite.
Wayne they don't like it when you rock the car.

Carl and Bob

At 3:25 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Railroding takes on a whole new meaning.

Learned how to make a rail bed last night.


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