Sunday, January 04, 2009

Day 6 - Sunday 4 Jan 09 - Boloxi, Mississippi

Photo: As my Grandmother would say, the LuvMasheen looks like a 'pimple on the ocean' next to all these other big boys.
A very lazy day, much like a Sunday at home. Wayne was up at 0-dark-30, and I slept until 7 am but then, I think I was asleep by 10 pm last night. It rained hard through the night but sleeping in the LuvMasheen when it's raining is like being at the cottage in the rain--it just feel comforting somehow.

The sun has been out off and on most of the day and we ended up setting the chairs up outside and reading for a while and then had lunch. I could feel a nap coming on and gave in to it. It feels good to just relax and not think about which highway, which park, or anything else. It's very quiet here; Wayne had a conversation with the guy across from us but we haven't seen or heard anyone else in the park. There are about 125 sites and Wayne says all (except us) are American. Perhaps now that the price of gas has gone down, they are back on the road again.
Jenn--they have the BEST SciFi channel ever here. It's been monsters, vampires, and Satan all day. I'm in television heaven! Wayne says he doesn't know how I sleep at night OR why he's brave enough to sleep with me.
We'll be on the road tomorrow and the weather report is cloud/rain for most of this area anyway. The beach is so beautiful here and I wish the weather had been a bit more cooperative, however we may make the trip back on the way home. Unless it's pouring I will take some photos of the houses along the strip.
Until then, hugs and kisses to all. In our Skype call this morning, I told Ty I loved him 'five'. He says he "loves Honey fwee". That will keep me going until I speak to him again.


At 7:10 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

You Corkums can find sci-fi at a Romance convention. Sounds like you two are living the dream! Too bad about those Prada sandals...maybe next time. Have you ever thought of some nice Brada sandals? Or Gocci? We miss you but are so happy you are having a good time. Love Jen xo

P.S. Live Long and Prosper


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