Friday, January 02, 2009

Day 4 - 2 Jan 09 - Chattanooga, Tenn to Mobile, Alabama

We had a wonderful sleep in our Pullman car last night—too bad they don’t have some kind of mechanism that makes the car sway slightly so that it would really feel like sleeping on the train. When we got up we saw that it had rained overnight and was still cool and cloudy with a misty rain so decided that downtown could wait for another year—we want sun!
We hit the road and made Mobile our destination for the night and that’s where we are. It was Interstate all the way so no photos yet. Very little traffic and the roads were good so the LuvMasheen just hummed along.
We started off at the La Quinta Inn with a $39 coupon but when Wayne went to check in, he said it was a tad ‘stinky’. Well, Got knows we don’t do ‘stinky’…too old for that…and ended up next door at the Hilton. Go figure, but they DO have free cookies!
By the time we reached Birmingham the weather was definitely warmer…same for Montgomery and when we pulled in to the hotel at Mobile, it was totally balmy. I think it’s 71 degrees (F) now at 7 pm and supposed to be in the mid-70s all week. We’ll be packing the jackets and boots away tomorrow and hope to be in an RV park along the Gulf Shores tomorrow night.
The Gulf Shores are only about 30 miles wide and situated between Louisiana & Florida. They pack quite a lot in to that area though and a glance through the RV books indicates there is no shortage of places. The sites that are right on the beach have probably been reserved by the regular snowbirds but that’s okay…as long as the sun is shining. Right now we are only about a 2-hr drive to the Gulf so once we get groceries and find a spot, I expect we’ll settle for a few days and perhaps use it as a ‘home base’ if we want to check out other areas along the Alabama coastline as well as Louisiana/Florida coastlines. The Sandhill Crane wildlife reserve is just a few miles into Louisiana and I definitely want to check that out.
Until tomorrow, hugs and kisses to all. Xx


At 10:29 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy New Year L&W and have a great trip!! Things are cold and quiet here so enjoy the warm weather.



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