Monday, January 05, 2009

Day 7 - Monday 5 Jan 09-Biloxi, Miss to Lake Charles, Louisianna

Photos: At the Atchafalaya Swamp Welcome Centre

Photo: A birds-eye view of the highway system through the swamp.
Rain, rain, and more rain. We are treking West to try and drive out of it but not much luck so far. When we got up this morning the fog was so thick but lessened as we got farther from the gulf. The sun would come out for a bit and then the skies would open up with torrents of rain.

I've been keeping in touch with my friend (and former co-worker) from Winnipeg, Dianne Joudrey. Dianne & Wilf and also coming South. They pulled in to the KOA in San Antonio last night so after a conversation via Skype, we decided to meet them there and should arrive tomorrow afternoon. Dianne and I would often attend the same conferences and would take an extra week and have some wonderful adventures together. I saw the Grand Canyon for the first time with Dianne and we have travelled a couple of time together in B.C. It will be so fabulous to see her again.

We stopped at the Atchafalaya Swamp Welcome Center and it was amazing. This swamp is the biggest in North America and the wildlife it contains is incredible. They had a rolling display of photographs which confirmed my resolve to take a swamp tour on the way back. The highway system through the swamp is a marvel--the road is a series of 40-ft concrete slabs set on concrete pilons and the two major highways run at least 30 miles through the swamp. This is the 'low water' season but you can see the high water mark on the pilons where the water rises during 'high water' season (Spring). Perhaps the Americans should be looking South vice North for water...God knows they have enough of it here!

Wayne is still looking at vacation rentals on the internet as we wouldn't mind finding a condo or cottage to rent for a couple of weeks. Anything on South Padre Island is stupid expensive but we did find a nice cottage for $500 a week and may check on that one.

I'm antsy to start taking some photos, but as per last year, while we are on the Interstate it's against the law to stop and by the time we get to our site, it's dark and we don't feel like venturing out again. There's lots of time....patience Lynne, patience.

Please give a special thought for Carmel--she started chemo last week. I believe when concern for someone is sincere, a message is sent 'somewhere' which puts an extra checkmark next to that persons name when help is needed.

Until next time, love and hugs to all.


At 3:46 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

All that lovely rain you are having is headed our way as snow, tomorrow. The rain doesn't sound so bad.

Luv the turtle - is that Mrytle's cousin?



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