Saturday, April 12, 2008

Day 5 - 6 Sep - N.Sydney, NS to Doyles, Nfld

We were up early and made the 9 am ferry—which didn’t leave until 10 am. It was a warm day with the sun trying to peek through the clouds and virtually no wind at all. We each took a couple of Gravol—just in case—but it was an extremely smooth crossing.
I guess the Gravol wasn’t the kind that prevents drowsiness because I fell asleep about 10:30, woke up and ate lunch at 1:30 and then slept again from 2 pm until 15 minutes before the ferry landed at 4 pm. There could have been whales, icebergs, whatever out there—I saw nothing but the inside of my eyelids.
We only drove about 30 miles to the first campground—Grand Codroy RV Park at Doyles, Nfld—and found a nice sheltered spot in case of bad weather. So far the radio isn’t saying much about any kind of weather, other than a chance of showers, so we’ll see but we aren’t too concerned. Supposedly there is rain tomorrow morning and if there’s no big wind, we’ll probably head for Gros Morne, although there is so much to see between here and there—perhaps one more night along the way.
We met a nice older couple in the ferry line-up from Tennesee who are driving a big bus and pulling a car. It cost them over $400 one-way but they said although they really can’t afford it, the chance to see Nfld was just too good to miss.
As soon as you get off the ferry you see the particular landscape that is Nfld. There are so many plants here that aren’t found anywhere else in the world and lots of birds that stop here for the winter or on their way south. It’s really just a huge rock with a bit of dirt on it—or rather moss—but very green. We’re told that the moose are everywhere right now so my goal is to try and get some good photos. Mind you, I can’t seem to get a picture of any deer at the cottage—and they come right up to the windows there!


At 8:41 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

We're following you here at Long Lake. Weather this week was July like. It has cooled off today and the low for Thursday is 4. How do you manage it - right in the remnants of a hurricane. Weather reports say mostly heavy rain and after leaving N.S. it is heading for Nfld. - really. Should hit there on Monday. So get your big boots on. Luv Carl

At 1:36 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good post.


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