Saturday, April 12, 2008

Day 4 - 5 Sep - Moncton, NB to N.Sydney, NS

Another fine day on the road. We had to get to the KOA at North Sydney today in order to get to the ferry tomorrow morning and this KOA is only 15 minutes away. The sun shone today and it was warm and sign of bad weather...yet.
We stopped at Antigonish...what a beautiful town! It was rolling hills with some of the most beautiful farms I've ever seen as well as some magnificant homes, high up on the hills, overlooking the ocean. I guess the Americans haven't bought all the shoreline in Nova Scotia...yet, and there are lots of places for sale.
We were looking for a place to stop and have lunch and saw a sign for McGregor's Beach and followed the road. What a delight! It was a sandy peninsula with sea grass down the centre and only a couple of people sitting enjoying the sun. One guy was from Carson Road (2 streets over from us) and another couple from kidding! They were staying at a camp site in Antigonish and had decided to wait out the storm on high ground. Not us.....we are heading for the ferry and a big body of water! I expect Sunday will be a quiet day for us as the forecast is for rain...and lots of it.
We are hoping to get to the KOA at Gros Morne tomorrow night and should be fine. The couple staying next to us tonight were showing us some photos they had taken at Gros Morne and it should be an incredible experience. I may test my endurance and try climbing to the top of Gros Morne...that's where the best photos will come from I think. They told us there are so many things to see and it won't be difficult to spend a week there.
The owner of the KOA here is keeping our Thule (caboose) as it's empty (so far) and would drive the cost of the ferry amount up $40 due to the additional length. Nice guy and we'll bring him a bottle of wine when we pick it up on the way back. We'll probably stay here anyway as it's almost at the entrance to the Cabot Trail.
I've got to try and find a cable for my camera so I can attach some photos...expecially from Nfld. That's it for today, it's an early night tonight.


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