Saturday, April 12, 2008

Day 3 - 4 Sep - Bangor to Moncton, NB

We were up early and on the road by 8:30 am this morning. We drove Hwy 9 East through the mountains and it was a spectacular drive. We've already decided we are going to take this route home as the leave should be out in full force. However, knowing the way we make plans...and then change them...who knows how we'll get home.
We crossed the border at Calais, Maine to St Stephens, NB and within 10 minutes Wayne spotted a sign for 'wild blueberries' so it was our first stop. Of course, there was a snack bar there and it was lunch so we pigged out on hamburgers & fries....gotta get that daily allowance of fat. Once back on the road, we opened up the windows and let that salt air pour in. A quick look at Black's Harbour and the fishing boats coming in satisfied the immediate need to see the sea, and we got back on the highway.
It seemed like a long day of driving but we only did 475 kms...I guess because it was long, straight highway with nothing much to see made it seem longer but still a nice drive.
If I had a 'bucket list' (and I don't really need one because I seem to be busy doing lots of different things I didn't plan on doing and life just happens to me), experiencing a hurricane probably wouldn't be on it. Given that Hurricane Juan is due to hit the eastern seaboard, including all of the Bay of Fundy area and Nfld by late Saturday, we don't seem to stand much of a chance of missing it. In case the ferry goes down kids, here's the plan: we are driving to North Sydney tomorrow, stocking up on food & water, cigarettes and liquor, and other essentials, and hoping to get on the Saturday (9 am) ferry to Nfld. If the storm hits earlier and they cancel the ferry, we'll hunker down in the LuvMasheen at the KOA in N.Sydney, read books, play cards, etc. until it blows over and either get the next available ferry to Nfld or do the Cabot Trail. The idea here is that if we can get to Nfld BEFORE the storm hits, we can hunker down there and then be ready to travel on Monday. Remember: I don't choose chaos--it choses me!
I forgot the cables to my camera so unless I hit a camera shop or Future shop that has one, chances are I won't be downloading any photos until I get home...bummer!
Who wants me to bring Dulse home? xx


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