Saturday, April 12, 2008

Day 12 - 13 Sep - Port aux Basques, Nfld to Sydney, N.S.

We made it off the Rock! We were up early and took the 9 am ferry and once again, I climbed out of the LuvMasheen, plopped into a chair with my pillow and slept until 11:30. I would probably have slept longer but we were right by the lounge and a pair of (not so great) musicians fired up their instruments and started to play and sing.
It was a very calm crossing and the ships are big enough that there's lots of room to find a quiet spot. However, I suspect that during the summer months, it's much more hectic. Once off the ship, we headed for the KOA, both for the night and to retrieve our caboose.
We will start around the Cabot Trail tomorrow and were really hoping that the weather holds. It's cloudy tonight and the weather report says a chance of rain tomorrow. I'm not sure if we will do the entire drive in one day or stop at one of the parks along the way...depends if they are open and how tired we are.
I'd forgotten we were going to Louisburg so that will probably our destination on Sunday. It's an historic sight with an old fort something like Fort Henry I believe and Wayne would like to see it.


At 7:46 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pete Williams (Jesse's dad) is starting a bike tour of the Cabot Trail on Monday. If you see bikers, he may be the leader.
We are enjoying your blog and your trip along with you.


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