Saturday, April 12, 2008

Day 105 - 12 Apr - Georgetown, ONT

We've spent a fabulous week with our baby HoneyB...he's has turned into a real little boy since we've been gone. He is using full sentences to communicate what he wants...and DOESN'T want...and we've had lots of fun with him. If his toast & jam doesn't arrive on his breakfast tray at the time he feels is reasonable he'll ask..."I'd like my toast now, please!" Eating is not a problem as he'll eat most anything...and lots of it if he's really hungry... I can sit and watch him play for hours.

He has a wonderful imagination and it's most fun when he's in the bath a night making up stories between his dinasaur and his Dora action figures, and others. Great battles happen or Dora is having to save the dinasaur from disaster time after time.

We've had him outside playing as the weather has been quite nice here. He has worn me out running around this huge yard kicking the ball and pretending we are playing soccer. He has lots on energy and can go much longer than Honey or Poppa. He still loves all his Thomas & friends trains but the movie 'Cars' and Lightening McQueen is his new favourite and he plays with them constantly. We L-O-V-E this child! Tim was the same at that age...loved little dinky cars and carried them with his everywhere.

We are heading home this morning with stops at Corky & Scott's for a quick hello. Although we don't have regular contact, we talk frequently and I've missed them while we were away so it will be nice to see them, even for a short time. I'm told there still lots of snow at home, although it is melting, but I know once we are in the driveway we'll be so engrossed in all the things that we have to do, ie, unpacking the LuvMasheen, that we won't notice it for quite a while.


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