Saturday, April 12, 2008

Day 1 - 2 Sep - Ottawa to Burlington, Vermont

We are on the road again! It's been a long, wet summer and although we may hit some of that again in the next couple of weeks, so far it's been hot and sunny. After stopping at the IGA in Malone and stocking up on all those 'mini' sized food things I love so much, we drove right through to Burlington and the Onion River Campground. Nothing memorable about the location, except I paid a quarter for a hot shower and ended up with cool water.
However, as we were driving along Wayne asked what the Western side of Nlfd was like. I went in to a long litany of what was there and how I missed never having gotten to Gros Morne National Park. He pointed out that we will be right at Sydney, NS, where the ferry goes across to Nfld and this would be the time to go...vice having to make the drive to Cape Breton again. So....Boston is OUT, Newfoundland is IN!
We are totally ignoring the fact that Hurricane Something-or-Other is going to blow up the eastern seaboard at some point and will deal with that if and when we have to.
The LuvMasheen is working great; the new television/DVD player is also fab and all is good in the world.


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