Sunday, June 18, 2006

Ode to Tim--Happy B'Day

Today is my middle baby's 33rd birthday...which coincidently, also falls on his very first Father's Day. How fitting is that? He's an awesome Father, a terrific son, and we are so proud of all that he has become. We are lucky parents.

Like his own son, Tim was planned and wanted...his was no accidental birth. Although we already had a son, and were naturally hoping for a girl to round off the family, this new baby was meant to be special right from the start. Kevin had been a very independent baby, and an even more independent cuddling and fussing for him. Tim was the opposite...we couldn't hug him enough, kiss him enough, or give him too much attention. He was the happiest little guy and content to play cars (he had the largest collection of Dinky cars in history) or cruise around the shopping centre with me--a bag of chips in one little hand and a Dinky car in the other.

Tim was only 6 wks old when we were posted to Halifax and Wayne went to sea soon after we arrived. Within a year we were off to St Jean and full time university for his Dad so the next four years were hectic. Tim and I would have 'Juice & Cheese' parties in the afternoon or visit friends. I remember watching him paint a wooden yard stick with water colours--over and over--one side yellow, the other red--turn it over and repaint one side blue, the other green. He was precise and determined and he has those same traits today. He was especially close to his Grampa Chamberlain and they would sit and play Snakes and Ladders together, even while Tim 'amended' the rules to suit his game at the moment.

I love to watch him with Ty. Even before Ty was born, Tim was a part of his life and it will be interesting to see the relationships he has with his own children as they grow. As Oprah says, "I know this for sure--every 18 June, for as long as I live, I'll remember that race to the hospital in an oversize housecoat for the fastest, easiest birth in the world and the absolute joy of being given this child to be mine." I love you sweetheart. xxx


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