Monday, May 29, 2006

June is wonderful!

If I had to pick my favourite month of the year, I think it would be June. After a long winter (spiked by trips south), and wet Springs, June brings warm nights, sunny days and flowers that seem to start blooming before you have a chance to weed the garden.

This year we are preparing for Colin & Jen's engagement (garden) party at the end of the month. There have been numerous trips to the nursery for plants--each time I go I tell the cashier "This IS IT" and she replies, "See you next week"--but spending more time in the garden is a labour of love for me. When we started the garden (affectionately known as the 'Money Pit') about 16 years ago I was afraid I'd bitten off more than I could chew but making sure that perannials were always first consideration when planning new areas, the garden almost looks after itself. The work now is generally dividing overgrown plants or moving things around a bit to get more/less light or turfing things that just aren't working any more.

The upcoming party has provided me with just the excuse I needed to go a bit over the top with filling extra planters and doing other things that we may have put off for another year. Wayne built a beautiful trellis/bench combo and in another couple of years the clematis will cover the entire structure. I was surprised to see the Bearded Irises looking so healthy this seemed as though they have lagged for a few years and perhaps sensed they were 'potential composte'. The existing Colombine is spectacular..I just love them and have planted a few more. It amazes me to see one plant with 2 or 3 different coloured flowers on them and each separate colour is varigated...awesome. Of course, every year there seems to be something different which catches my eye..this years it was the pink/yellow daisy above. It should be quite a picture in another year or two.


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