Saturday, May 20, 2006

Photo: SV Polynesia (right)

Windjammer cruise is now a memory and what a great adventure it was...glad I didn't miss it! We saw some beautiful islands and even more beautiful sunrises/sunsets. When we were preparing to raise sails and leave the harbour in St Martens, Capt Neil asked if the 'moon crew' were in position. Apparently, it's his tradition that Jammers 'moon' the big foo-foo cruise ships while the Polynesian leaves the harbour....and we did. That more or less set the tone for the 7-day trip. It certainly wasn't a luxury comfy deck chairs or swimming pool...but nothing matches the thrill of seeing the sails raised while "Amazing Grace" plays on the ship's loudspeaker. We 'walked' the plank one day while the seas were calm and while it was a bit creepy swimming out in the ocean, the water was clear and warm and enjoyable. The food was good, but basic and the crew went out of their way to ensure that the passengers were well looked after and entertained. Wayne and I both agreed that our next cruise will be on one of those big 'foo-foo' ships.


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