Thursday, February 02, 2006

Busy day as we finish packing and head for Mexico. There's something so exciting about going somewhere new. As always, I'll overpack and swear when I get there that 'next time' I'll take much less...I must write that down because I never remember to do that!

I finally submitted a photo for the camera club competition and was very pleased to get an 'honourable mention' for the fern photo. There's a very complicated process one must go through to move from the 'novice' to 'master' class which involves submitting a specific number of competitions, collecting points for each win, and moving up through the three levels when enough points are accumulated. Although the judge felt the background should be a tad more blurred (he's right of course), he gave it the 'OM'. There were so many photos submitted and I'm impressed with the quality of work that we amateurs are capable of capturing. There are some very talented people in the club.

As hectic as this week has been, I stopped after work and brought Aunt Mable over for dinner. She's 87 years old and about to face her 3rd cancer operation but although she's having more difficulty getting around, her mind is as sharp as a tack. Colin was here also and she enjoyed seeing him and having a chance to talk to him. He made her fall in love with him all over again when he asked if he could drop around next week to see her and get a knitting lesson! Mable took her role as my Godmother very seriously and has always felt strongly that she was my 'pseudo Mother'. Sometimes it was difficult as she wanted the same time & attention that I gave to Mom but she's always been very good to me and it's payback time. We had a nice dinner and I made up a plate for her to take home which she thought was great. When we come back I think we'll spend a day cleaning up her kitchen and getting rid of some stuff in her fridge...I worry she'll end up with food poisoning but we've been saying that for many years and she's still around.

Hopefully I can find a place with internet access while we are in Mexico..a test run for my new notebook computer.


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