Monday, February 11, 2013

PV - Monday, 11 Feb 2013

On the Malacon. Noteworthy items: tan and silver earrings!

Edwardo was a waiter at the French restaurant we went to on our first, and subsequent trips to PV. He's changed places of employment over the years but we always end up eating where he works and get a big welcome from him.

Breakfast at Freddy Toucan's...a 'must' in Puerto Vallarta.

Well, we've come up for air, got off our lounge chairs, and finally feel like doing something besides coughing and blowing our noses. Seriously, this winter has been the absolute worst for cold/flu, whatever the heck this is and I think we've taken every over-the-counter medication (Cdn and Mx) that's ever been developed.

Gail and Graham (G2) arrived 11 days go. Wayne was already coughing and filled up and Graham arrived in the same condition. I was in day 2 of misery and by day 3, Gail was in bed and the rest of us couldn't do much more than move from one place to sleep to another. We weren't alone...half of Los Tulas' population (which is over 65) was barking and coughing and we gave each other lots of sympathy, advice on medications, and more sympathy. I even got a chicken...did my Mother Theresa impression...and made chicken soup for ourselves and a couple of other sickies we've become friends with. I'm not sure if it worked but it tasted damn good and made us feel like we were doing something healthy.

Hugo the Beach Jeweller was ecstatic to see Gail! Between she and I, the university tuition for one of his kids has been paid. He's probably one of the most honest silver hawkers on the beach and very well known on Los Tules..he'll even custom-make pieces and has a beautiful selection. We had not been downtown to do any shopping so Hugo took the pressure off our need to get some silver jewellery until we were feeling better.

A few days of rest did the trick and while we all still have a bit of a barking cough, are certainly feeling much better. Wayne and Graham have gone to the gym a few times, we eaten at a couple of places downtown and both Gail and my suitcases will take lots of new shoes home.

The waves yesterday were enormous and were crashing on the beach and creating a huge surf. There were a couple of brave (crazy) souls who thought it was fun to be dragged across the sun and it was interesting watching them stand under the water tap trying to get the sand out of every orafice of their body...yuk! Being Sunday, we decided we'd head downtown to wander the new and improved Malacon and have dinner at the Blue Shrimp on the beach. Sunday is family day here and there are far more Mexicans downtown than 'us'. We watched the old folks dancing at the town square and agreed it was a fabulous day.

I'm starting to miss my Baby Honey Bees...the telltale sign is when I start looking at dresses and shoes in their size instead of mine.

Los Tulas is much quieter than I remember it being in the past and I'm sure the economy has a lot to do with that. However, the weekends are filled with Mexican families so there are lots of little kids in the pool and you hear more Spanish than English being spoken.

All in all, things are terrific and now that we are all feeling better we will make some plans for a side trip or two. Wayne downloaded the 3 seasons of Downton Abbey so every night we watch a couple of episodes and are totally hooked! Hope everyone is coping with the weather at home without too much flu or cold. Until next time, love and hugs to all. xx


At 9:00 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Last night Downton Abbey was 2 hrs. We were glued to the TV. It is an awesome series. Glad you are all on the mend. Carol


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