Friday, February 15, 2013

PV - Friday, 15 Feb 2013

The days continue to speed by and we don't seem to have much difficulty filling our time.

We spent yesterday by the pool soaking up the sun and watching the whales cavort along the shoreline. They have been much closer to (our) shore this year than ever before but we were caught by surprise yesterday when one surface right in front of us as we sat in our chairs. Wayne and Graham spent more than an hour watching two of them waving their flippers and generally enjoying the freedom of having no jet skiis or boats trying to crawl on top of them. Having said that, I'm still hoping to get on one of the smaller boats to go whale watching before we leave and trying to get some photos.

Based on recommendations from others here, we went to Blake's for Valentine's dinner last night. It's a small sports bar about 15 minutes walking from us and while G2 had gone their for lunch last week, I'd never been there. It turned out that this little place, which is quite non-descript from the outside, is a real gem. It's owned by Susan and Michael Blake from Vancouver who have lived here and owned the restaurant for 7 years. She's a little firecracker who runs the place like a drill sergeant and he is the bartender and hockey-game guru. Susan has spent many years travelling around the world learning various forms of  cooking and it's clear she's good at it. Last night's menu was surf and turf...fillet mignon, shrimp in a tequilla sauce, and veggies which was preceeded by a soup to die for and a dessert of poached pears in a wonderful rum and 'something' sauce. We've already decided we'll be there next Friday for Christmas dinner!

Of course, Gail and I have done some shopping...surprise...and our beach vendor Hugo, is quite happy to see us. I normally do my business with him first and then let Gail at him to negotiate price. I suspect she gets better deals than I do but I don't have the skills that she does when it comes to dickering for price. Clearly, our Kim comes by it honestly and I will be getting her to buy my new furniture when the time comes. I'm such a panty-waist and don't seem to be able to stay in for the long haul when it comes to negotiations!

The weather has been great although we have cloudy periods some mornings or afternoons. We went to the Vallarta Marina to visit with Ellen and Gary, friends of G2, this week and enjoyed seeing their condo and amenities. It was gorgeous and certainly had lots to make it an attractive alternative to Los Tulas. Because it's not right on the ocean as we are, it is cheaper but only 2 years old so everything is very modern and new. We know deep down that being right on the beach drives the price up substantially and future holidays might mean having to give up that small luxury in order to stay longer or in a more modern location. As long as there is a pool, I really don't care but Wayne like that feeling of sand between his toes.

While I don't miss much about home, I sure am missing my little ones. I hope their parents are aware that the first week at home will not include the word 'no'...another things I'm not very good at in the best of times anyway, but the best part of being away is the going home and seeing them for the first time.

That's what's been going on in PV. Gail is excited to learn there is an active bridge club so will be joining the ex-pats next week for a few games. Wayne and Graham have been going to the gym (Gail also has gone) and I continue to keep my lounge chair occupied for long periods of time. It's a busy life we lead!

Take care, our love to all of you and until next time, hugs and kisses to you. xx


At 8:20 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

It was great skyping with you both yesterday. I knew how much you were missing Gillian & Olivia & thought that you might enjoy a quick visit with them.
The way I was sitting I couldn't see your facial expressions very well, but did see the jewellery--very nice Lynne. Gillian thought that it was so nice to see Honey & Poppa & Olivia hardly took her eyes off the screen..
I am sure that you are having a great visit with Gail & Graham & your remaining 3 weeks will go very quickly.
Soak up some sunshine for me & we will chat again soon.
Love Sue


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