Thursday, February 16, 2012

Thursday, 16 Feb 2012 - SPI

These two are always together. If they have a spat, my money is on the scaley one.

We had quite a storm on SPI this morning. I woke up about 4:30 this morning because of flashing lights outside the bedroom  window. After watching them off an on for a while I decided it must be an ambulance as the flashes seemed to be quite regular and decided I'd better get up and have a look.

I went to the front door and stepped outside but there was no ambulance. It was so foggy I could hardly see across the street but could see the whole sky light up 'somewhere' up there and within minutes, started to hear the thunder. It was rolling in over the ocean and took about 10 minutes to hit us full force with rain, wind, and big, big thunder! Counting the time it took to continue past SPI, the storm lasted about 30 minutes. However, it was the lightening that was so strange as even with the shutters closed, it woke both Wayne and I out of a sound sleep without the sound of thunder. Very creepy.

The rain had stopped by the time I fumbled out of bed and I decided I'd go up to the boardwalk to see what I could see. The rain started again, my hair frizzed up on top of my head and I left to get some lunch. Halfway through soup the sun came out and I headed back and surely the wildlife would want to catch some rays. Sure enough, the big alligator came out to get some sun and his favourite companion, a big Tricolored Heron, settled himself by the gator's tail. Every time the gator comes out, the Heron is there with him...but always at the 'tail end'. The clouds came over again and I headed home to do laundry and such.

Truly, the weather has been awful. We've only had a couple of days of sun and there doesn't appear to be much better stuff coming until the weekend. I am praying it improves before Gail and Graham arrive next week...we've sung the praises of SPI so many times and I hope this isn't 'payback' of some sort. It's not a cheap holiday to fly here just to sit and watch the sky open up day after day! January was unusually warm here, which it isn't normal so I guess it's just another fluke of unpredictable weather. I noticed that it was only 39 degrees F in Florida last week so the SnowBirds may not come home too tanned this year!

I'm really missing my babies so take note parents--Honey needs to Skype this weekend please. Sounds like there is a mini-Spring happening at home. Colin will appreciate not having to shovel an extra driveway. Keep in mind ain't over yet although for lots of reasons, I'm really hoping for an early Spring this year.

That was my day, hope you had a great one too. Until next time, lots of love and hugs to all.! xx


At 7:37 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would not have liked that storm. Sent you emails and pictures days ago to your hotmail email account. Carl


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