Sunday, February 05, 2012

Sunday, 5 Feb 2012 - SPI

It's a rainy...and in South Padre Island and I haven't left the condo. The storm prediction finally came true and it looks as though we are going to have an overcast and cooler week. TIME FOR RETAIL THERAPY!!

Yesterday was the big chili challenge for breast cancer at Louie's Restaurant on the island and we decided we'd check it out. There were about 10 teams from various businesses/organizations and some of them had 2 or even three different types. It was my first time eating 'green chili' which is made with chicken or pork vice beef and didn't like it as well. It's a good think we went a bit early as by the time the tasting started at noon, about 200+ people had shown up. A band from Burlington, Ont was the entertainment and we ended up sitting with a couple from Manitoba so it was like old home week. There were a couple of real stomach-churners and my vote ended up going to whomever cooked the chili from the Girl Guide organization. Wayne bought a box of cookies as well so they got our vote for everything!

From there we headed over to the sand flats to see what was happening at the kite festival. What an amazing spectacle it was...reminded me somewhat of the balloon fest as home. As we drove up we could see the sky was filled with kite of every size imaginable and the colours were amazing! We'd brought chairs and our beach was had a very comfortable afternoon. There was a team who each handled a single kite (shaped something like a bat) and at one point 10 people, standing side-by-side, co-ordinated the flight so that the kites came together in a circle, then zig-zagged or looped in circles...all to music. It was incredible to watch. I imagine the local kite shops did a booming business later in the day. I'm glad we went yesterday as the rain and extreme winds today no doubt means there would be nothing happening today.

We Skyped with Corky & Debbie today and heard all about their new grandaughter, Teiya. I can't believe Jenelle had a 9+lb baby in there..she is the smallest little thing but ended up having a cesarean. Everyone is well and I'm sure the new family is getting used to their new life. Grandchildren are a totally new that is filled with extreme joy and thankfulness for their existence. It's nothing like having your own's 100x better! We also got to hear about Rick & Jackie's new house which sounds gorgeous.

Take care everyone and it's nice to hear Winterlude is a success. Until next time, love and hugs to all. xx


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