Wednesday, February 08, 2012

Wednesday, 8 Feb 2012 - SPI

The stretch of rainy, miserable weather continues and the only upside of it all is that I don't have to shovel it! From the looks of the weather report, this is going to continue for a while yet so all those $5 hokey vampire movies I bought at Walmart last week will probably get viewed sooner, rather than later. At least the temperature has risen from freezing to cold! This too shall end.

We had a nice break yesterday with the visit of Dianne & Will Joudrey and Colleen. Dianne, Colleen and I all worked together and even though Dianne is from Winnipeg and Colleen from Edmonton, we became and remain, very good friends. Dianne & Will bought a place in Westlaco, about 1 hr west of here and came up to SPI to show Colleen the sights and let us all have dinner together. It's a shame that the weather is going to be so crappy all week but I know it won't hold them back from visiting various places around the area so that Colleen will still feel that she's had a holiday. It was so good to spend time with them; we laughed and reminisced and laughed some more. We'll be heading to Westlaco to spend a day or two with them in March.

I decided that I would buy an exercise DVD and at least pretend that I'm trying to maintain some semblance of healthiness. It was done by three of the girls on 'Dancing with the Stars' and I thought that dancing...vice exercises...would at least be fun. Fun it might be but I still suck at it! I learned a couple of things: my sense of rhythm has depleted with my increase in age, my ability to process the most simple of instructions has depleted with age, and I think my 'softness' (aka flab') is here to stay! After 1/2 of fumbling around the living room, I decided to video my attempts in case I was being too hard on myself and was doing better than I thought. NOT!! I just looked like a dork and can see this video on YouTube with the highest number of viewings another senior citizen who's almost ready for a nursing home. It wasn't pretty. I don't think I'll give up though....when we go home I'm going to try Zoomba for the Wii.

Wayne ordered a bike online through Walmart and it arrived today so he's off to collect it and will then spend the rest of the day assembling it in the living room. He should get quite a workout as the wind is nearly always so it will be a tough ride either going or returning. He's already got 2 offers to buy it when we leave so it won't be come home with us. He'll certainly enjoy it though and it will give him the edge when we return and he goes back Spinning with Big Al.

That's our day (so far) and hope yours is good. I'm missing my babies (old and young) but got to Skype with Tim & Kim last night. Next on our list is Kevin & Kate although they are much harder to pin down than the rest. Take care and until next time, love and hugs to all. xx


At 11:36 AM , Anonymous Carmel said...

SAY WHAT!!?? You mean the Wayner isn't going to return the bike to Wally World once he's done with it! I'm disappointed!! BTW: the tandem bike we have is from Wally World and it is great!

Luv Carmel


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