Wednesday, February 01, 2012

Wednesday, 1 Feb 2012 - SPI

We moved into the condo today...thank goodness. One more french fry, one more deep fried shimp, or one more hamburger and I swear, I was going to blow up! Now how long that will last, I won't say but our shopping cart was filled with lettuce, vegetables, and fruit so we'll see how long we can eat a bit healthier.

The condo is absolutely gorgeous! It's been professionally decorated and has the best quality of wicker furniture and everything is co-ordinated. The master bedroom suite is so beautiful--leather headboard and footboard and again...all coordinated. One would say..."What's the point if only renters get to enjoy it?" but I guess the best quality furniture lasts longest. All that to say, we are very happy with our digs.

It didn't take us long to get settled. Unpacking and finding room for stuff went quickly and then we headed out to stock the larder. When we got home, our downstairs neighbours were talking to our next door neighbour so we went over and introduced ourselves and invited them up to see the digs. The price of admission was that they each had to grab a bag of groceries so everything came up at one time. They were as impressed with the place as we were. No question, we'll be very comfortable here.

Wayne went to the gym while I made a quick trip over to Walmart for a couple of folding chairs for the baloney. Seeing as that f'n squirrel 'ate' my beautiful pool towels last year...actually, it has the softest nest in the city...I bought some more to use at the beach. God bless Wally-World, it's literally one stop shopping so we had TGI Friday's famous delicious and only $3.76! I saved so much money that I also bought a little portable DVD player. I wonder why it is that as we get older, we love everything small and portable? There's no DVD player in the condo but this little gem hooks up to the TV so problem solved. It also plays in the car or has a 3 hr battery life. Wayne's been warmed not to try and watch a movie in bed at 3 am (we were both awake and wandering at that time this morning).

The weather has been very warm but still overcast although the sun tries to shine through the low clouds. There is a lot going on this weekend but I've got my camera bag all packed and ready to go so hopefully be taking some photos in the next few days. We aren't bored...the HBO channel is taking care of that.

Hope the freezing rain hasn't created too many problems and everyone is well. We Skyped with Colin and Jen tonight and Gillian had a big story to tell us about her daycare friends. Until next time, love and hugs to all. xx


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