Monday, February 13, 2012

Monday, 13 Feb 2012 - SPI

Photos: Pair of White Ibis and the lonely Roseate Spoonbill

Yesterday (Sunday) the rain and high winds continued. We decided we'd treat ourselves and go to Denny's for breakfast...along with most other Winter Texans on the island. I had to laugh as there was a guy at the door making balloon animals for kids. The thing is...there aren't any kids on this island, unless you count the over '60s who act like kids!

The winds have been so strong the last few days. We walked down to the ocean to see the wave and they were huge. There has been quite an accumulation of sea weed on the beach and it will be interesting to see how long it takes before the beach tractors are out cleaning it all up and hauling it away. There were some flood warnings out for those who live along the beach as the warnings said the high winds, combined with high tide, could take the waves right over the dunes. We didn't see any evidence of that happening but living by the water always has it's issues. Been there...done that and don't have any desire to live next to water again.

The sun finally came out today and I went down to the boardwalk again. There's always herons of all types there and they are fun to watch. There were two alligators smaller one by the main building and a much bigger one on the other side of the marsh...both taking in the sun. The larger one is very illusive and tends to borrow underneath the heavy grass so not easy to see. This is the first year I've managed to see him in the 4 different times we've been to SPI. Apparently there is another large one and then a smaller baby but they can hide so easily that it's easy to miss them.

The beautiful Roseate Spoonbills were back but except for one in the middle marsh, the flock was feeding at another marshy area too far to photograph. I've got to the point where I photograph everything that moves and then come home and check the bird book. Fortunately, there's always something different to see. If the nice weather continues I may drive the 25 miles to the Atacosa Wildlife Refuge on the other side of the bay. The last time I was there a bobcat ran across the path in front of me.

The rainy weather is very frustrating and we just have to keep reminding ourselves that it's warm, we aren't shovelling, and it can't last forever. However it keeps us from doing some of the outdoor things we love to do...which is why we came here. Patience is not something I have a lot of but there's not much we can do about it except smile when the locals tell us what a blessing the rain is after so much drought.

That was our day...hope your was great too! Until next time, love and hugs to all. xx


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