Saturday, February 11, 2012

Saturday, 11 Feb 2012 - SPI

Photos: Butterflies feasting on the Lantana Bush.

The sun finally came out this morning and although the weather man said it was going to be 77 degrees, I'm not sure we got to that temperature. By 5pm the clouds had covered everything again and it's rain again for tomorrow. I'm told that this isn't unusual for this time of year and the sun will soon shine. Please....

I headed off to the nature boardwalk and Wayne decided he'd pedal into the wind until enough was enough and then let the wind help him glide home.

The last two days have been relatively slim pickins' at the boardwalk. Apparently the bulrushes are starting to get too thick so they are pumping salt water into the marsh area to kill them. Good move for getting rid of bulrushes, bad move for accommodating migrating birds...who have never experienced salt water...looking for a place to settle. The wind is so strong, even the herons are quivering in the bushes trying to keep warm. I did manage to take a few photos and I'm at the point now that I'll shoot anything and then look in the bird book to see WTF they keeps me busy and out of stores!

There was a Regional Dance Championship for high schools in the area so I drifted over to the Convention Centre to check it out. There were lots of teams and it appears that schools can have multiple dance teams (jazz, hip-hop, etc.) and from what I saw, competition is fierce. They were pretty darn good. I took a few photos, just for the practice of it all, ate a hot dog and went back out to the boardwalk for a last look. By this time I'd been gone 5 hrs and figured Wayne might be getting curious as to where the heck I'd gone.
I came home with a florescent green Senior Citizen band on one wrist from the Bird Centre and a florescent orange Senior Citizen band on the other wrist from the dance championship...I could have taken a job waving in aircraft at the local airport. The good part is that I either got in for nothing or next to nothing. The bad news is that I didn't have to ask for either...they just looked at me and automatically gave me the appropriate wristband. I'm still trying to decide how I feel about (getting older) was still fresh when they asked me if I was a Senior. Now there's visually no longer any doubt. FART!

We've got a bead on a giant flea market in Brownsville but I think we'll save that until Gail & Graham arrive....unless this wretched rain continues and it becomes a choice between more shopping or slitting  my wrists.

Rumour has it that Melanie had a baby but it can't be true because no-body is sending or posting photos...hint, hint. All in all, it was a super day and Wayne didn't have to shovel snow. Take care and until next time, love and hugs to all. xx


At 9:12 AM , Anonymous Sandy said...

Sounds like you are still having a good time in spite of the weather. Really enjoy reading your blog. The pictures are amazing. BTW my camera died!!!


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