Monday, January 30, 2012

Monday, 30 Jan 2012 - SPI

It was an overcast, rainy day today; just the kind of day to re-pack clothes, watch TV, and nap and that's just what we did. I never begrudge Texas or Arizona a rainy day as water is always an issue and there seems to be drought so often.

Wayne went to his gym and joined for a couple of months so we are almost back in our routine. I didn't leave the hotel room and 'napped' for a couple of hours and surfed the internet. Tomorrow and Wednesday are supposed to be hot and sunny and now that I've got some shorts and summer t-shirts, I'll probably head out to the nature boardwalk and reconnect with the 'Tilly's', which is what I call the birder's here. Some people come to this part of Texas just to birdwatch and they have got to be the friendliest people on earth...always willing to tell you what they saw last week, yesterday, and five minutes ago. I generally do, what Jen calls, that 'Corkum Thing', where I pretend I'm much more knowledgeable than I am so that if one of them goes into a state of rapture and tells me they just saw a Yellow Crested Boobie Warbler, I will say, "Mature or Juvenile?" and then quickly look it up in the bird book when they aren't looking.

We went back to Dirty Al's for supper. It's a very 'basic' fish place and I have to say...once we move into the condo I probably won't have fish for a least a month. The gulf has the best shrimp ever and I seem to eat it non-stop until I get my fill. I think I've had my fill for a while and certainly won't get my cholesterol checked in the meantime.

We went around to the little movie theatre to check times for tonight. The matinee was just getting out and clearly, going to the movie on a rainy afternoon is what the Winter Texans do (we nap instead, lol) as white hair and walking canes were evident everywhere. Given that we might 'look' like seniors but don't generally act like them, we are going tonight. All the academy award nominated films are on and for $6.25, it's a great night out.

That was our day. The blog is like a 'trip tick' for me and satisfies my need to jounal every day so for those who are following, I apologize if it starts to get boring. Hope all is well--I'm going to check the Ottawa weather now to mentally help justify the cost of wintering in Texas.

Until next time, love and hugs to all. xx


At 7:31 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Never boring - always interesting to see the next "Adventures of the Corkum's". Snowing pretty heavy right now and as per the pattern this winter, changing to freezing rain tonight. Carol


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