Wednesday, February 08, 2012

Wednesday, 8 Feb 2012 - SPI

I've been wracking my brain, and finger-taps in the 'help' menu since we started this trip, trying to figure out why I couldn't download photos. I think photos enhance the blog...and my magic words...and I was on the edge of finding another blog provider but decided to go one level deeper in the help menu. I'm such a geek...but so happy the problem has been solved AND I had the patience to find it. Normally I do a lot of whinning and Wayne finds it.

I got down to the boardwalk one day and took a couple of photos of the good 'ol herons...God bless 'em...they are always there to practice the lens techniques with.

Now the pressure is on to try and have a photo for every blog...sheeeeeesh!


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