Saturday, January 28, 2012

Saturday, 28 Jan 2012 - Corpus Christi, TX

It was another beautiful day in the Churchmobile and while we didn't go far, we saw lots.

I've always wanted to stop at the Whooping Crane Preserve at Port Aransas and we got to do that today. That was the good news. The water levels are 22 inches below normal and the cranes, that eat crabs and other water stuff, are flying elsewhere to feed, so we didn't see a hint of a crane. That was the bad news. However, we got to walk down some wonderful nature trails, see 100 & 500 yr old oak trees, hear some birds, and get some exercise so all was not lost. Some internet research told me that the endangered Cranes summer in the biggest numbers in Northern Alberta and there numbers are steadily growing....around 500 birds now.

We did a bit of a drive around Corpus Christi and it's very much like Galveston in size. We booked into a hotel right along the seawall. It's lovely and I went for a short walk after we checked in. There was a 'Homecoming' parade where schools in the area participate with the drill/marching was terrific. Some of the elementary schools had their marching teams in the parade and they were so cute marching to 'Who Let The Dogs Out! Texas A&M is located here so there were sorority floats...all in all very colourful and fun to watch.

Tomorrow we are going to tour the USS Lexington (aircraft carrier) which is docked here and perhaps the Texas Acquarium (Wayne may do the former while I do the latter). We've already booked tomorrow night here so we don't have to think about driving somewhere else. Frankly, we are both getting a bit tired of hotels and restaurants and really looking forward to settling in at the condo. I know that I'm going to be eating salads for a while and doing a bit more walking. There a growing 'muffic top' thing happening and I'm getting a bit unfortable.

Speaking of eating, we just came back from the Water Street Seafood Restaurant...we had rib steak for a change...and they had a vegetable that was delicious. It was steamed corn nibletts, chopped zuchinni, chopped tomatoes, and very finely chopped serrano, so good! I'm not familiar with those peppers but they weren't at all spicey so I've got to find them when I go home.

It was a beautiful, warm, sunny day...and that's how we spent our time. Hope everyone is coping with the cold at home and until next time, love and hugs to all. xx


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