Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Our first Grandaughter, Gillian Alanna Corkum, was born on her due date, January 21, 2010, at 7:55 pm. She weighed 9 lbs, 10 ozs and is healthy and beautiful. Her parents, Colin & Jennifer, are calm, cool, and collected for first-time parents and we are so proud of them.

Wayne and I have decided that if each blessing we've received in our lives was worth $1, then we are multi-millionaires! I can't think of anything that compares to holding a new baby and inhaling that wonderful smell that only new life seems to have. You can stare at a new baby in the same way you stare at a bonfire or an aquarium filled with colourful hour can go by without realizing it.

We were so anxious to have grandchildren and I think it was because we loved our own children so much that we wanted to experience the extension of them, without the responsibility of parenthood. When Ty was born we were, and still are, in awe of him. Each time I see him I am instantly transported back to a different time--when his Father was that age and I can see Tim in my mind's eye. It's a comforting feeling and just when I'm able to focus on one point in time, Ty changes again.

This new Angel is my own answer to a prayer for a Grandaughter. I had brothers and sons and longed to have female in my life that I could grow and have a special bond with. Prayers clearly are answered because there's another special Angel arriving end-Mar--Ty is getting a baby sister! I've fulfilled one wish by shopping for pink things and both little girls already have a dolly and baby stroller just waiting for them to race it up and down the hallway, laughing together and probably fighting for each other's toy.

Oh yes, blessing come in bunches and we've received our fair share and more.


At 4:22 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The gift of life is indeed precious, and when our Lord gives us a girl it is true magic. Is it possible to love a baby too much?!! She is beautiful, and I can't wait to have a tea party with her! Congrats to all!


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