Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Day 106-Tues, 14 Apr- St Mathew, SC to Wytheville, VA

Well, the shorts and t-shirts are packed in the bag, the little heater in the van has been on...clear signs that we are on our way home! As much as we hated to leave Daytona, we are looking forward to getting home.
We left yesterday morning and did a reasonable day's drive before deciding about 3:30 that we needed to hit a grocery store for some fresh food to cover the next couple of days. We got off the interstate and had a choice of heading to St Matthews or Orangeburg. I made the call to give our tourist dollars to the former and ended up paying for it.
The girl at the South Carolina welcome centre had given us the name of a campground in the area which we wanted to stop...the Sweetwater Campground...and after spending an hour trying to find a damn grocery store, we realized the campground wasn't too far from where we ended up shopping....we'd go cross country vice going back to the interstate and save time....NOT! Unfortunately there were no directions, no signs, no nothing and even after stopping three times to ask where the heck it was, we got so lost. We drove some interesting back roads, saw some lovely SC landscape, and pulled in to the campground about 6:15 pm. It was pretty basic...that means we didn't shower or use the toilets more than ABSOLUTELY necessary but we were too tired and hungry to go anywhere else. By this time, it had started to rain...hard...which it had on and off most of the day.
St Matthews is in 'peanut' country and judging from the beautiful homes in this sleepy little town, there's money in them thar shells! I had said it was a nice place to perhaps drive through the next day until we heard the news this morning...some 12 year old had an arguement with his 11 year old nephew and shot him! We're outta here!
It rained off and on again today and there was a huge accident on another interstate which intersected with the one we were driving on. We switched on the CB radio to listen to the truckers to try and find out what had happened as the traffic was back up on the opposite side of the highway from us for miles and miles. We heard everything from an airplane crashing on the highway to a train derailment but still haven't heard the story.
We are staying at the KOA in Wytheville Virginia which is in the Blue Ridge and Allegheny Mtns. At one point on the drive here, we started climbing and hit fog as thick as anything I've ever seen but disappeared as soon as we drove down the other side. We were here by 2:30 so it was a nice early day.
Happy Birthday to my darling Jennifer...hope she had a great one! As Ty says, "only 4 more sleeps" until we see him and then a few more until we are in our own house and our own beds! Take care, and until next time, love and hugs to all. xx


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