Thursday, April 16, 2009

Day 108-Thurs, 16 Apr-Sutton WV to Grove City, Penn

Well, this is the last night in the LuvMasheen. We've been gone nearly 4 months and it's been a fantastic adventure. We've seen so much....seals in California, incredible landscapes in Arizona, a birder's paradise in Texas, while sand in Florida and so much in between. It was every bit as wonderful a holiday as last year...and that was hard to beat. Tomorrow at this time we will be with Kim and Ty, and I can't think of a better way to finish it up.
The weather has been really crappy...rain, rain, fog, and more rain. The sun finally came out this afternoon and it warmed up. We stayed in the KAO in Sutton, West Virginia. It's owned by, and sits behind, the Days Hotel and was okay, but certainly not like the KOAs we are used to staying in. There was no internet or cable television so we watched a couple of movies and were in bed early.
I think I said last year that Virginia and West Virginia are two States that are worthy of spending a lot more time in and deserve to be a 'destination' rather than a 'drive through'. I'd like to spend 2 or 3 weeks just looping through them on secondary highways rather than the interstate highways. The mountain areas especially are so rolling hills...and given the amount of forested area, this would be a wonderful place to visit in the fall. There were no leaves on the trees yet but most of the flowering trees are in full bloom.
The funniest sight I saw today was an older truck camper (the ones that sit in the back of a truck) that was being used as a chicken coop. Perhaps when the LuvMasheen is no longer required, we could park it in the back yard and raise chickens!
I'm already in full 'gardening' mode and anxious to get at it...but with a bit more restraint than last year so I don't spend the rest of the summer flat on my back! At the campsite yesterday, I saw my first tulips, daffodils, and robins of the year...and not a speck of I'm good to go home.
I'm so excited to see my little sweetheart Ty. Both he and Kim have been so sick with bronchitis and we'll try to take over a bit of the cooking and Ty-entertaining so Tim & Kim can have a bit of a break. He knows we will be there tomorrow and told Kim it was "one more sleep until Honey & Poppa come".
Thanks to everyone for travelling with us on another trip. We should be home Tuesday and I expect life will get back to 'normal' very quickly. Until next time, and the next trip, love and hugs to all. xx


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