Saturday, December 27, 2008

Christmas 2008

How can you really describe perfection? We had family, friends, babies, chocolate, a new puppy, and lots of just doesn't get much better than that. The only thing missing was K2 (Kevin & Kate) but we thought about them and wished they could be with us. We celebrate a few days early so everyone can be with their own families over the holidays but it works out well. We usually have Christmas dinner with my dear cousins and this year Carol out-did herself with a fabulous turkey dinner with all the trimmings--and more.
Of course, Christmas is better with children and this year we had our dear little Ty, who loves Santa, presents, Smarties, and more presents. Santa arrived on (our) Xmas Eve and Ty was his helper. As he handed a gift to each person, he told them " You gotta say--Thank You Santa". He loved baby Sawyer and 'Dug' the Pug and we have some wonderful memories of this holiday. Poppa had made him a bulldozer bed, complete with Thomas the Train comforter and working headlights so he was happy.
We are busy preparing for our trip south in the LuvMasheen and hope to be on the road within the next couple of days. We'll be watching the weather closely and as soon as there are clear skies, we'll be on the road. I expect we'll be heading for Texas first as that's where it seems to be the warmest but we have no specific plan, which is kind of nice. We'll go where the sun takes us. Hope you will all be joining us!


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