Saturday, February 02, 2008

Day *60* - 27 Feb - Puerta Vallarta

Photo: There is a huge tree out front which is covered in these blooms. Sandra says it's also in Barbados and is (aptly) called the Orchid Tree.
We did a preliminary packing today...took lots of stuff we won't need to the van in preparation for the big pack tomorrow. I took laundry over this morning so we will hit the happy trail with clean gauchies et al.

Wayne meets the most interesting people and I think it's because he talks to everybody. I sometimes get impatient with him for it because it doesn't matter whether it a time-share salesman, homeless drunk, or a 5-yr old kid trying to sell gum, he takes the time to converse with everyone. Last night he came up from the beach and said, "How would you like to stay another week?" It turns out that while he was sitting under his palapa reading, a couple from California walked by, the guys said 'hello' and the wife stopped and asked Wayne if we were staying at Los Tules and what was it like. The ensuing conversation resulted in her telling Wayne that they had a time share two hotels down and had a week coming up in a 1 bdrm unit that she couldn't rent....would we like it for her maintenance fee of $425? Her mother-in-law always took it but couldn't anymore and the woman could never seem to rent it. She invited us to walk down and have a look at the place, which we did, and it's very, very nice but much bigger than Los Tules and lots more people. We talked about timing and said we couldn't take it this year but what about next year? She said that for $70 change fee, she could hold this yr's week over to next year which would give us 2 weeks together and.....she'd also give us the third week in a 2 bdrm unit because their kids are in school and they won't be using it. We asked if we could think it over because we'd have to go to the mgmt office with her, pay up front for the 3 weeks and then be tied to a time where we'd have to be here. In the end, we went back and declined... On the surface, it's half the price we are paying here but after discussing it, we decided our time in Los Tules is about more than money. We love it here, it's quiet, beautiful grounds, right on the ocean and a minimum of people. Over there, it's crowded, noisey, and the pool chairs are lined 4-deep...not much privacy. They were such a nice couple but just shows how things 'happen' and how you potentially fall into things.

I finished a book today that those of you who really enjoy reading must get. It's called 'Beach Music' by Pat Conroy. I picked it off the book shelf in our lobby for no particular reason but once I started it, I couldn't put it down. It's halarious, it's gut-wrenching, it made me laugh hard and cry hard. It's the kind of book that you think about long after you have finished it and as much as I loved it, I don't think I want to read it again in the future but just enjoy the impact it had on me. Conroy has a writing style that is mesmerizing...he literally pulls you into the story and every experience you've ever had in your life--good and bad--is relived with clarity. It's not a new says the soft cover was released in 1996. I'm finding room in the van for it so that I can give it to someone and then have someone to talk with about it. In the meantime, try the local library or second hand book store. You won't be sorry...this is the first time I've ever recommended a book and I've read thousands.

Melanie sent me a photo of her and 'Deana Lynne Pinheiro-To-Be'. She's got 4 weeks to go and looks healthy and happy. Here's my ultimate dream: Melanie will have a girl. Of course she'll be beautiful and incredibly smart and talented (she'll get all that from her parents). She and Ty (who has already shown signs of incredible intelligence and handsome-ness) will be friends when they are small, better friends when they are older, and because they are third-cousins, not feel any guilt when they fall in love as teenagers and get married after they finish university together. They'll have oodles of kids and always want their Gramma Carl & Honey to give them sage advice on everything. IS THAT TOO MUCH TO ASK?

Tomorrow's blog may be the last for a week or so until we get back in to the U.S. It's been a slice! Until next time, we love and miss you all. xx


At 8:47 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...


At 8:48 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I must say I thought the name was clever as much as I would prefer to see Carol in there.


At 3:50 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Third cousins are cool to marry in the Corkum family?

Not cool in the Carl family.

Is that why Tim and Colin are clones?

Jenx xox


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