Saturday, February 02, 2008

Day 58 - 25 Feb - Puerta Vallarta

Photo: The morning after the eclipse I woke up early and looked out the patio door. This is what I saw and I just had to get the camera and capture it.

It was a strange day--weather-wise. When I got up this morning the sun had a hard time getting through the mist and you couldn't see 100 feet out in the ocean. The 'fog' stayed off and on, throughout the day but when the sun did get through, it was lovely.

I got on the crazy bus and went downtown to wander. There was a brass/drum competition between schools so there were a number of different schools represented, all wearing their own uniforms and did the precision marching thing...they were so cute and quite good. I watched for a while, took a few pictures but there was no shade and after a half-hour or so, I was getting too warm. I was shoe shopping today and ended up near the old church by the town square. It's a lovely old church that, like most of the old churches in Mexico, has lots of gold, lots of statues, lots of candles...and that's because it's Catholic. There weren't a lot of people inside so I decided to sit down and hey...I'm not above taking the time to reflect on all the gifts I've been given..... It was quiet...I'm reflecting...and I hear the organ start and smell incense.

Now, I don't seek out the small adventures that occur in my just happens...which is good news for me and those who take the time to read the blog. Out of the corner of my eye I see the priest walking down the isle with a big group of people behind him, including one in a white dress and realize...I'm attending a wedding! The bride was lovely...the groom was handsome...we all clapped when they were pronounced 'Man & Wife' and we all took pictures! However, because she looked to be about 70 and him about 75 years old, I'm thinking they were widowers but it didn't shorten the ceremony...they had the full-meal-deal mass. I was going to stick around and follow them to the reception but I was already getting some strange looks from the family, but I just smiled and nodded my head and I guess they all thought I was a distant relative from 'the other side'. I like to think I'll be the topic of discussion, for even a brief period, at the reception.

Another great day and until next time, our love to everyone. The weather report says Tuscon and area is warming up so I expect this Friday will be the day we head North.


At 7:12 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great picture Honey!
It's our screensaver now. We were out with Tim on the night of the eclipse. No one really cared about it but me. What can you do?
Anyway, it was great seeing Tim, but we have been missing our little Ty and Emma lately...we're hoping to make the trip to T.O soon. We are headed to Kingston this weekend (for goose with Grandma)and then next weekend for my cousin's wedding. See...we are traveling and having fun, too.

Anyway, stay safe and have a magarita in our cold, tired, grumpy names.
Love you, Jen xoxo


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