Saturday, February 02, 2008

Day 62 - 29 Feb - Teacapan (near Escuinapa)

Well, surprises of all surprises….we are in the middle of nowhere…and this RV Park has Wifi. You never know! We left PV about 9 am this morning and the first three hours were on the same old windy, hilly, narrow roads. It took us 3 hrs to go about 100 kms and we were starting to get worried that we’d never make our first destination…The Villa Onac at Teacapam. However, once we hit the toll highway, it was smooth sailing and we were able to travel along on a wonderful highway. It was like being on a holiday…wait a minute…We went through a variety of landscapes today..the regular scrub and then some agricultural areas. We are still trying to figure out what half the crops are as nothing looks familiar. At each toll booth we paid our toll and then gave the person one of those small Canadian flag lapel pins. Each and every time they are so excited and will put in on their shirt or blouse right and say ‘thank you’ and huge smiles. It’s a nice feeling to promote our own country and have people recognize our flag. American tourism is down significantly and I think ¾ of the people we’ve met, talked or listened to are Canadian…from B.C. to P.Q and all points in between. We haven’t seen any vehicles from the Maritimes yet but frankly, we haven’t passed many RVs on the road. It seems most of the have one or two favourite places and they arrive Nov-Jan and don’t leave until end-Mar. It may be a lot busier on the highway going home that coming down.
We pulled off the highway about 4:30 pm and weren’t expecting much…this is Mexico after all and the standards are way different. Well, another surprise. Firstly, there are a number of small ‘villas’ or stucco houses surrounding a heated…yes, heated pool…and about 45 RV sites with water, electricity & sewage. Coming in off the road you’d think you were heading through farm field (well, it was) on a 1-lane dirt road and how these big rigs manage it is beyond me. There are cement pads for all the trailers, which is nice otherwise you’d need a tractor to pull them out. The best part though, it the beach. OMG! It’s like something you’d see in a movie…miles and miles of beach, waves and nothing..I mean nothing...else in sight. It’s amazing! The wind was howling when we arrived and the couple next door said this has just happened-it’s been very calm up until now. Another couple pulled in and said they had just come from Boca Beach (where we were before PV) and they left because the wind was so high there and they could no longer boogie board or even swim in the ocean. I haven’t been to the washroom yet but Wayne said it is very nice, with hot shower, which is not the norm for smaller parks in Mexico. The fact that it also has Wifi is beyond belief—it’s slow, but it’s there. We are going to look at a couple of the villas tomorrow to see what they are like. This could be an option before or after PV if they are reasonable or do half the time in the van and the other in one of the houses…we’ll see…options, lot’s of options. There are no outside lights so it is black outside but the stars are thick up there and it reminds me of the cottage. I will never forget all of us lying on blankets behind the cottage having Bobby give us astrology lessons….I think there was alcohol involved but it was still memorable.
The two geekie Corkum’s are sitting here, each on their own laptop, but we gave the TV and DVD player to one of the guys at the resort as they just weren’t working properly in the van. The TV was too heavy for the stand and ultimately fell off so we are going to get a flatscreen when we get back in to the States.
Our first reaction is to stay here for a couple of days but we want to see the Copper Canyon on the way back north so will have to chug along. We still think it’s going to be about 4 days to the border so we need to move on. I can’t believe how fast the time has gone and that we’ve been away as long as we have. It really felt good to be back on the road though and we both were ready for the change of scenery which tells me that having an apartment and staying in one place is not what we are looking for right now.
Have a great weekend everyone…until next time, we love and miss you all. xx


At 3:51 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, another 2 geeky Corkums sitting on laptops reading your blog. Only took me an 1 hour today to do the driveway (and Creepy Doug's across the street) so that should make you guys appreciate the weather all the more. It was pukefest here Thursday night as Ty gave us a first hand view of projectile vomitting (Wait for it Dean) every 1/2 hour until about 9 am at which time he threw up all over Kim just as she was leaving for work!!
Other than that, all is well we are counting down our time until our booked Mexico trip and can't wait!
Check out Costco for new flat screen TV for the RV they might have a good deal.
Hope to hear from you soon.
Love Tim, Kim and Ty

At 4:02 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

純賞花(網路孤挺圖) [論壇存檔] - 花花世界- 生活花卉園藝論壇-
Believe it or not, that above is the address of a website that popped up on Goggle when I typed in HoneyBPhoto (I was trying to show Kim that if she couldn't remember the address she could always find it)
Well funny enough this guy (Tico 182) had found one of mom's pictures of a flower and had added it as a link to one of his entries. Needless to say the lawsuit has begun....
BTW - don't try to recreate the chinese lettering above, it took me all day to create it.


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