Saturday, February 02, 2008

Day 54 - 21 Feb - Puerta Vallarta

Photo: the young female Matador in a classic pose. This was just before the bull shoved her around a bit.
We tried to leave....we REALLY did! I had half the kitchen stuff and all my excess clothes in the van. I was depressed-Wayne was pouting. Then we got an e-mail from Kevin who said he & Kate are taking a quick break in Tuscon (where we are headed) and it's about 60 degrees through the day and FREEZING cold at night. We nearly tripped over one another to get to Ms. Pina Colada's office and book another week here. We have to give up our studio apt and move next door into G2's room they vacated last week which means no stove but we'll manage with the microwave and our barbeque when we want to cook...and it's a breeze to move right next door.

Wayne kind of over-did the beach thing today and wasn't feeling great but he's been downing lots of water and starting to feel better. He heads off down the beach for his daily walk but sometimes forgets he's walking in the hot sun and I think it just caught up with him today. Tomorrow will be a 'no sun' day for him and give his skin a chance to re-hydrate. I slathered on #30 and dozed off and on by the pool, only waking up when I snorked or something and scared myself awake.

The big Mexican Rodeo starts today for a week and I think that might be our adventure for next week. It's quite the event I guess and all the biggest ranchers in Mexico send their best horses & riders to participate as well as the bull riding etc. I love that stuff and it will be interesting to see how the Mexicans do it. Of course there will be Mariachi bands galore and all the traditional foods to sample. I've never been overly keen on Mexican food...I hate beans cooked the first time around, never mind refried and everything, literally everything, has either hot sauce or hot peppers in/on it. Hot sauce is a staple here, just like ketchup for us.

We've been cooking our own meals, about every second night and I have to say that the meat that is available here is excellent....and very reasonable. I buy the highest grade hamburger, just to be on the safe side, and there's very little fat. The steaks are some of the best we've had anywhere and $5 will get you a barbequed chicken with roast potatoes. Much of the frozen food is the same as home, ie, Green Giant, and except for traditional Mexican foodstuffs, the rest is made here by the same brands as home. When I go to the grocery store I hear more English than Mexican. Certainly the shopping centre across from us is patronized by more 'gringoes' than locals and I expect that's one the biggest reason we feel quite at home here.

Take care everyone, our love to you all. A big kiss for my baby HoneyB..his Honey and Poppa miss him big time.


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