Saturday, February 02, 2008

Day 61 - 28 Feb - Puerta Vallarta

Photo: There's a fish market on the beach and this guy loves to entertain the gringos and feed the innards to the pelicans and friggat birds. The birds are like a pack of dogs and come as soon as they see him leave the building. There is always a bunch of pelicans hanging around the back waiting for him.
We did some packing this morning, getting ready for the pull-out tomorrow, and then I headed back downtown with my camera. I never think I'm going to have anything to take more pictures of, put it's like finding something to 'blog' about...there's always something there!

Today the four guys who climb this 60ft tower on the beach and then use centrifical force to swing round and round to the ground...we doing their thing just as I got there. Normally, we see them at night so I never get photos. There you are! I guess they have been doing this for ions and they pass a hat for tips which is how they make their living. They come from norther Mexico somewhere and I'm not sure if this is an ancient deal defying thing they all do up there...need to check the internet. It's certainly entertaining to watch though.

This was the first day there was any humidity and I'm guessing it's because there's been quite a bit of fog/mist over the ocean. By the time I'd been downtown for 2 hours, I was getting uncomfortable so headed for home and had a nap. Once we start back on the road tomorrow, there will be no napping in the car. We are back on Mexican roads and the first 400 miles is the same 'rock & roll' stuff we mainly drove on coming down. It's 1600 kms to the U.S. border which will probably take us 5 days...perhaps a day less once we hit the toll road which is a 4-lane hwy. However, as we learned on the way down, there are always surprises and we can't do any precise's a matter of taking it as it comes.

We had a fabulous time the last month..I'm not getting on the scales for the first month we are home! The past couple of days, the pool by our building has been more like a hot tub--the seniors love it but so do the kids so it can get a bit noisy during the day--but it's nice early in the morning or after the sun goes down. We went for dinner to the french restaurant next door and our waiter, Paulo, says we are now partners in the place. Gail...the manaquin had on yet another and spangled...Graham would have fallen in love all over again! We are starting to feel like the Ostrouts must in Barbados..people will stop and ask us for directions and after 3 yrs, we can launch into explicit directions for just about anywhere. There's still a lot of territory to cover though so I expect we're good to come back for a while yet.

I doubt I will be able to blog until we are back in the U.S. We've been on the internet looking at the RV parks from here to the border and although there are lots of them, the services still look pretty basic. Once we do get across the border, I will be using some of that Skype service I paid for and calling all of you. Until then, take care, we love and miss you all. xx


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