Saturday, February 02, 2008

Day 57 - 24 Feb - Puerta Vallarta

Photo: One of the bronco riders from yesterday's Charras. The horses are very small but riding it is only a small portion of the competition...he has to get off the horse and then his team-mates rope it.
Most of the day was spent around the pool preparation for the Sunday night stroll downtown and then watching the dancing. It is 'Flag Day' in Mexico so the locals were all out in their finery, especially the children dressed in their Sunday best. The local band played again in the town square and the older Mexicans, dressed all in white, danced and entertained the crowd. I love going downtown on Sunday nights because the Mexicans outnumber the North Americans 2 to 1...unless there are cruise ships in the marina.

The couple that moved in to our old room were telling us about the miserable weather at home and how everywhere in Canada seems to be having more snow that ever. That's really awful! I was out for the sunrise ceremony this morning and they were sitting out with another couple they arrived with. The funny part was they were lamenting the fact that the 'toaster sucked'! I nearly gagged on my tea because when G2 left we switched the shitty toaster for the new one in their room. Then we we were moving into their old room, we switched it back so we'd have the new one. I was going to tell them there is a secret way to push down the lever so it toasts but I knew I'd never be able to do it with a straight face.

We are going to try and take the bus back to Bucarius this week--that's the place we started out for with G2 and the bus driver forgot to let us off. The beach is really lovely and you can sit in a restaurant on the beach for the better part of the afternoon having lunch and then a drink or two and swim and soak up the sun. There's a great flea market there also.

Hope everyone is well...we love and miss you all. Until next time....xx


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